Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
July 28 2022

Meeting called to order 7:00 pm by President Carol Riemer

Attendance: Carol Riemer, Laura Fifield, Leola Schneider, Karen Young, Joe Quade, Lu Arndt

 Agenda approved. 1st Joe Quade 2nd Lu Arndt

 Treasurers Report as presented. 1st Leola 2nd Karen

 No Secretary Report


Old Business: We are getting quotes for outside house repairs from Jay Bouche, LPS / AXIS, Patrick Grzywacz. Checking on available house painters. John DeCloux from Oconto. Logistic Log from Shawano

  1. Tractor Show went smoothly
  2. Set up for food was good. At busy times could have used another person
  3. Donations $127
  4. July 14 Music was a success. But more help was needed. We paid “Back When” $225 they are returning $65 to us.
  5. For Aug 4 we need help to set up and for clean up. A cashier. Carl Asplund will cook the hot dogs. We are selling hot dogs, popcorn, soda and water for $1 each. Positive Energy is playing.
  6. August 25th “Back When” will play again. Any questions that come up can be discussed then as that is our next meeting night.
  7. Leola is going to talk to Lambrects to see if they will bring their “Junk Yard Band” they had in the 4th of July Parade.
  8. We need to be looking for new Board members for 2023


Meeting adjourned at 7:42


 Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes

March 24 2022


Called to order 7PM

Attendance: Carol Reimer, Rod Fifield, Marti Mayska, Leola Schneider, Deanna Smith, Steve Fifield, Laura Fifield, Lu Arndt.

Secretary’s Reports:  No corrections –  Approved,  Rod; 2nd, Deanna

Treasurer’s Report: No corrections – Approved, Leola: 2nd  Marti


Old Business

1] Tractor Show on July 9

     Leola not available – wedding (she’ll help set up ice cream)

     Deanna & Lu Kitchen

2] No cookies – more bars & pies

3] Get Thrivant cards – Carol can get one; someone else get another.

4] House painting – Riley no longer the contact.  Grant Delzer is the contact person ($8240.00).  Did not up the price from the quote.  We are on the list; getting quote on 3 color trim.

5] Annuals from high school – contact is Art teacher at the high school.  (1950s to present).

6] House cleaning – house/museum is presentable to visitors.

     1] Deanna will clean Kitchen

7] Music on the lawn – Rod says need to keep doing – was a lot of fun.

     One this year – or more?  (Carol) Don Moser,

     Contact Jody Crocker & (Steve) Jamie Hubbard.

8] No “Antique Roadshow” type appraiser, but some antique specialists. Marti is checking with someone - time & date depending on his availabilty.

9] Marti is putting together a basket display –Helen Mork and others.


New Business:

    Tea in April - catered by The Cracked Cup on the 30th at 1pm.  Small /limitation.

    Deposit ?  = $25.00 to use the museum for private parties?

    Approved – Rod ; seconded Carol

-          Get gold cording for chairs that aren’t to be sat on. – Ask Nancy Smith

Veterans/Military & Logging. – Divide rooms? Photos coming that should be in carriage house on logging.                  

 Possibly move some money ($50,000 to 100,000) to a vehicle {?} that earns more/more secure.  Form a committee to investigate.  Approved - Rod, Seconded – Carol.


Adjourned: 8:05 pm by Carol Riemer  


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
February 24 2022

Attending: Carol Reimer, Deanna Smith, Tom Grant, Marti Matyska, Joe Quade, Laura Fifield

 Meeting called to order by Carol Reimer at 7:00 pm.

 Out on a Limb – was paid $550.00 should have been $500.00.  Trees taken down.  They did a good job.

Yearly treasurer's report given. Treasurer Report approved

Secretary’s Report: None/No Annual Meeting

Pres. Carol gave breakdown of the year.  Dinner followed by Speaker Jack Zarling.

 Old Business:

1] Steve & Rod taking care of tractor show

2] Leola taking care of cakes/pies/cookies

3] House painting quote- need to get back to painter

4] Look for and pick up fry boats for cake and ice cream

5] Carol will get together with Deltzers about printing and price

6] Deanna looking for someone to man the phone for the museum

7] Volunteers hours need to go to the State?

 New Business:

A] School groups [3rd].  Marti M says need 3 people to keep going with tours & activities.

B] Display of 65 grass baskets – for a Spring Tea?

Collections of salt & pepper shakers or something w/an appraiser like Antique                      Road Show that would be separate day then Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social.

Marti to call Annie Stanske (sp?) about  an appraiser.

C] Have no lawn “cutter” – Caleb Lally has taken another job

1] Kid living above funeral home (?)

2) Don, who lives next door to Rademanns

D] Copies of high school annuals from 1950 and later OCI yearbook project.

E] St John’s Catholic Church is celebrating 150 years this year.  Joe would like to borrow some items

Adjourned: 8:30 pm




MAY 27 2021


ATTENDENCE: Carol Reimer, Leola Schneider, Deanna Smith,
Steve Fifield, Laura Fifield, Tom Grant, Joe Quade, Rod Fifield


Called to order: 7:07 PM by Carol

Agenda approved as sent out

Minutes of last meeting as printed out: approved Rod, seconded Deanna.

Treasurers report as printed out: approved by Steve, seconded Tom.


Old Business:

Carol: Kids did a very good job cleaning up yard.

Discussed lilac bushes – one needs to be removed completely yet.

Blocks (under the carriage house) all moved.

Apple tree needs care – very old.

Spiral tree is a spiral again.

Plans for patio blocks – no plans for them at this time.

Stump removed --- landscape?  Patio block fill in.

Back garden is empty.  Rod can do what he wants with it.

Kids took plants for their plant sale.

Irises when finished blooming will be removed and given away to anyone who wants them.

Plant grass where pines were removed.

Joe removed all brush.



Marti is gone until June 7th.  She will work on the woman’s room.  Waiting for light---

Bill Smith fixed light in woman’s room.

Silverware box (Bill Neumann’s) moved to woman’s room. ($10,0000 was the value years ago).

Take to Martin Jewelers to be reappraised.



Sign up for weekends:

June 5 – Carol

June 6 -  Deanna

June 12 – Tom & Joe

June 13 -  Deanna

June 19 -  ????

June 20 – Deanna

June 26 -  Tom G

June 27 – Carol


Discussed 4th of July parade – participation?

Ice Cream Social & Tractor Show on July 31.

Open the museum on 4th of July? Closed!

Building maintenance = 2 windows upstairs --- in library are done w/blinds.  Tom took care of these.

Joe spoke with John Hicks and ???????? about same.

Rod will take care of the painting w/keeping same colors.

Ice Cream Social & Tractor Show

   Steven has bartenders license and has contacted several tractor clubs.

   Get beer at Pat’s Market and use Thrivant Funds.

   Individual cups of ice cream & cakes with one person serving.  Cookies and bars in boat/bowls.

Variety bags of chips/hamburgers/hotdogs.

Music on lawn > June 23rd 6-8 PM – no rain date.

Get sign for out front with pocket to change date.

Need for July entertainment (July 21)

   Contact Don Moser/Judy Crocker/Dave Dirks.

   Free will offering

Have Bill Smith chec the front outside (side) receptacle.


New Business ----- August



Adjourned: 8:13 PM motion by Carol; Approved Rod; 2nd  Deanna



APRIL 22 2021


ATTENDING: Leola Schneider, Carol Riemer, Steve Fifield, Laura Fifield, Deanna Smith, Donna Asplund, Marti Matyska


Carl Reimer called meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Agenda as sent out: approved Deanna Smith, seconded Leola Schneider.

Minutes of last meeting approved.

Treasurer report as handed out: approved Steve Fifield, seconded Donna Asplund.

We Energies Scholarship this year? ($250.00 in past year) Tabled for 2021.


New Business:

Need electrician for master bedroom – 2 wires (live).

   Woman’s bedroom with fan – switch not working?/chain, bulb burned out?

    Deanna to check with Peter Brown from GB or Bill Smith – Need two fixtures.


Old Business:

   Steve contacted John of KNX Party Band – He & his son donate their                                           time to the museums.

     Curt Birr of Allis-Chalmer of Yesteryear

     Jake Howell of Pioneer Tractir Cruisers

     Suring Area Tractor Club

     Need posters for Klondike tractor show in June.

     Thrivant not contacted yet.

     Newspaper – do they take debit card to pay for ad.

     Banner from Jeff Hertwig.

     Steve will have his bartender’s license by July.

     State be issuing and museum will be receiving new Exempt Status.

     Food, beer can be discussed at next meeting.

     Plastic cups and boats to be used up.

     May and June meetings to be at the Museum.

     Advertising out in May & June for web sites.

     Banner for Music on the lawn.

    Steve will provide the tent for the social.

    Move the military man to a different location in the


Progress on cleaning:

  Carol took care of the mopboards/wiping down.

  Marti took care of the office.

  Joe Riplock, Melchert & Carol’s brother Tom –basement to the west         wall done but not finished.

  Gayla Jahnik of OF is polishing silverware & tea set.

  Cleaning to be finished by 1st week of June.



   Michelle has 6-8 kids – 12:50 – 1 30 pm raking

   4 large garbage bags of leaves

   Give to Rich Rademann for his compost pile


Need to maintain paint on the building- Lu Arndt was going to contact Delzers

Replace storm window in the library that has a BB gun hole in it? 

Take to Meuniers for new glass.


Motion to adjourn Steven, seconded Deanna, passed


Adjourned at 7:45PM



 Gillett Area Historical Society

Monthly Meeting

The Cracked Cup

March 25 2021

Attending:  Karen Young, Joe Quade, Lu Arndt, Leola Schneider, Carol Riemer, Steve Fifield, Deanna Smith, Rod Fifield.

Carol Riemer called meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Minutes of last meeting approved by Lu Arndt/ second Leola Schneider

Treasurers report handed out.  Approved by Rod Fifield/ second Steve Fifield

Vice President position to be filled by Joe Quade. Motion to approve Deanna Smith/ second Lu Arndt.  Passed

Secretary position:  volunteer, Laura Fifield. Motion to approve: Rod Fifield/ second Joe Quade.  Passed

Tractor show and Ice Cream social to be held July 31st.

Steve Fifield getting bar tenders license.  Beer to be served.  Area fenced off.

Rod & Steve checking on music.

Serving brats and burgers plus cakes, cookie and ice cream cup.

Ice cream cups from Rank Distributing.  Food and beer from Pat's Market.

Need to apply to Thrivent for funds.  $250.00 x 2 = $500.00

Posters for event to be printed by Bay Impressions, Oconto.

Music at the Museum:

Wednesday evenings June, July, August.

Possible musicians Don Moser & David Dirks.

Banner for yard:  Deanna will contact Jeff Hertwig.

Advertise on Facebook.

Spring cleaning::

Kitchen:  Lu & Leola

Basement :  Joe Quade & Tom Pederson(?)

Carriage house storage area:  Rod Fifield

Library:  Tom Grant & Bob Johnson

Women's room:  Marti Matyska (?)

Dining room, front room & foyer:  Deanna

Yard cutting:  Lally boys.

Carol Riemer to contact school on help with garden & lawn.

Motion to send a donation of $25.00 in memory of Chuck Matyska.  Motion by Rod Fifield/ second Deanna Smith

Celebration of Life for Heather Fifield will be May 15, 2021.

Location:  509 Alma, Pound, Wi

Time:  11 - 4

Motion to adjourn Steve Fifield/ second Joe Quade.  Passed


Deanna Smith


Gillett Area Historical Sociey
Meeting Minutes
The Cracked Cup
February 25, 2021


Meeting called to order by President Carol Riemer at 7:05.

 Attending: Joe Quade, Tom Grant, Rod Fifield, Karen Young, Deanna Smith and Carol Riemer.

 Treasurer's report handed out.

 1] Date set for Tractor show and Ice Cream Social. Date is July 31, a Saturday. Time ???

 Rod and Steve Fifield will chair tractor show. Rod will check with City Hall for permits.

 Planning Brats and Hamburgers, cookies instead of cake as they need to wrapped.

Beverages: soda, water and coffee.

 2] Music at the Museum: Wednesday evenings with popcorn and water.

June, July & August.

Possible music by: Don Moser, David Dirks, Jody Crocker.

 3] Possible loan of Red Car to Antique Auto Museum in Green Bay.

Loan in fall until spring. Rod checking.

Need signing to credit Lambrecht's and the Seat Doc for restoration.


Next meeting March 25, 2021 7 p.m. at The Cracked Cup.



Deanna Smith, Treasurer/Interim Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
The Museum
September 24, 2020


Present:  Rod Fifield, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Tom Grant, Joe Quade, Karen Young


President pro tem Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Lu Arndt moved to accept the Agenda as published; Joe Quade seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published.  Joe Quade moved to accept the treasurer’s report as published; Tom Grant seconded; motion carried.


  1. Joe Quade and Wayne Hicks installed the new screen door for the front of the Museum today.  Joe will also see about the sill to be replaced beneath the kitchen window, the storm windows needed for the upper level, and a seal for the door going from the Museum to the back porch.
  2. Lawn:Rod Fifield pressure-washed the carriage house on August 29.  He noted that the faucet needs to be replaced. 
    1. Don Pederson’s treatment of the lawn for creeping Charlie worked well. It is mostly gone.  He will do another treatment come spring. 
    2. Lu Arndt will ask her neighbor Owen what corn product he uses on his lawn.
    3. We will ask Ethan Lally to mow the lawn shorter the last time of the season.
  3. Carol’s annual letter was mailed today.
  4. Our annual meeting will be held at The Cracked Cup at 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 22. 
  • We need 10 members present for a quorum.
  • Marti’s Women’s Vote and Prohibition displays will be there.


At 7:20 p.m. Karen moved to adjourn; Tom seconded; motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gilllett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
The Museum

August 27 2020

Present:  Carol Riemer, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Tom Grant, Joe Quade, Marti Matyska


President Carol Riemer called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the Agenda as published; Joe Quade seconded; motion carried.  Rod Fifield moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.  Deanna distributed her Treasurer’s report.  Joe Quade moved to accept the report as published; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.


  1. Joe Quade is still waiting for the new screen door for the front of the Museum.  He will also see about the sill to be replaced beneath the kitchen window and the storm windows needed for the upper level.
  2. Zielinski’s of Pound did a great job of removing and trimming our trees.
  3. Lawn:  Don Pederson’s treatment of the lawn for creeping Charlie worked well.
  4. Garden:  Carol is trying to work with Michelle Brown to identify plants.
  5. Rod Fifield will take care of pressure-washing the carriage house by September 10.
  6. We discussed what to do about the uneven patio blocks and the area where the Harry Lauder’s walking stick used to be.  No decision was reached.
  7. Marti, Deanna, and Carol spent two hours going through four file drawers in the upstairs office.


New Business

  1. President Carol is working on our annual letter, which should go out before the end of September.  Please get addresses for prospective new members to Carol by September 10.
  2. Our annual meeting will be held at The Cracked Cup at 7 p.m. on Thursday, October 22.  We need 10 members present for a quorum.


At 7:50 p.m. Rod moved to adjourn; Deanna seconded; motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

The Museum

July 23, 2020


Present:  Carol Riemer, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Lu Arndt, Tom Grant, Joe Quade, Karen Young, BJ


President Carol Riemer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the Agenda as published; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.  Deanna distributed her Treasurer’s reports.  Karen Young moved to accept them as published; Tom Grant seconded; motion carried.


  1. Joe Quade is still waiting for the new screen door for the front of the Museum.  He will also see about the sill to be replaced beneath the kitchen window and the storm windows needed for the upper level.
  2. Joe got a quote from Zelinski’s in Pound for having our trees trimmed and three pines removed.  Deanna Smith moved we spend $1,150 to have our trees taken care of; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.
  3. Lawn:  Don Pederson treated the lawn for creeping Charlie.  We will see the results before going further.  Deanna will also check with Cory Rank on possible options.
  4. Garden:  Carol will contact the garden club to see if anyone needs hours and could help with our garden.
  5. Attached are Don Pederson’s thoughts for a possible workday at the Museum.


New Business

  1. President’s annual letter regarding renewing membership and making donations.
  2. Our annual dinner/meeting should be held October 22.  Will we be able to do it this year?


At 7:35 p.m. Deanna moved to adjourn; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary




Gillett Area Historical Society

The Cracked Cup

June 25, 2020 

Present:  Carol Riemer, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Lu Arndt, Tom Grant, Marti Matyska, Joe Quade, Karen Young, BJ

President Carol Riemer called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the Agenda as published; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.  Rod Fifield moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Carol Riemer seconded; motion carried.  Deanna distributed her Treasurer’s reports.  Joe Quade moved to accept them as published; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.


The Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation.

The Museum will be open for tours by appointment.  If a member should be there on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, the OPEN sign can be put out.  Deanna will contact Nancy Smith about something to put over our sign.

 Joe Quade and Wayne Hicks installed the storm/screen door at the west entrance.  Joe will order a special door for the front entrance. He will then check on the price of the two extra wooden screen doors at Home Depot.  Once Joe has a price, Rod will see if he can sell them.

  1. The bottom sill on the kitchen window needs to be replaced; it is rotten.  (Joe)
  2. The side deck needs to be painted.
  3. We need storm windows for three upstairs windows on the west side. (Joe)
  4. Siding on the Museum and Carriage House needs cleaning.  Perhaps use a power washer?  (Joe)
  5. The door to the screen porch needs an additional fastener.
  6. Ethan Lally is mowing for us this summer.  Per Carol, he did a great job this last time.
  7. Rod Fifield and Deanna Smith will meet at the Museum at 1 p.m. on July 6 to discuss trees.  Joe Quade will try to be there, too. Deanna will make some calls.
  8. Lawn:  Deanna will contact a lawn care firm to see what can be done to rid the lawn of weeds.
  9. Garden:  Carol contacted Northern Gardeners for possible help.  Scott Erickson may be able to identify plants via photos.
  10. Rod suggested Antique Gun Show/1920 Women’s Right to Vote/Temperance event for Saturday,  July 25.  He and Joe will discuss the feasibility when they meet on July 6.
  11. Marti would like to get our high school year books digitized.  Karen Young suggested Sandy Sexton may have books we are missing.

 At 8:12 p.m. Deanna moved to adjourn; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
The Cracked Cup
May 28, 2020


Present:  Carol Riemer, Lynn Merline, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Tom Grant, Karen Young, Rod Fifield

 President Carol Riemer called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the Agenda as published; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the February 27, 2020, meeting were accepted as published.  Deanna distributed her Treasurer’s reports.  Rod Fifield moved to accept them as published; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.

 Carol Riemer moved that the Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show be postponed/cancelled, with the decision to be made at our July 23 meeting; Deanna seconded; motion carried.

 Can we open the Museum this summer?   It is felt that we can if we follow COVID-19 guidelines.  Rod will send them to Carol. Volunteers would need to wear masks.  Visitors would be limited to 4 to 6 people at a time.  We would need hand sanitizer stations at the front and rear doors and in the carriage house.

 Marti Matyska has put a lot of work into the swimming suit display in the upstairs hallway and the “Women’s Right to Vote” display in the foyer.  She has also organized the office and is working hard on accessioning.


  1. Joe Quade and Wayne Hicks installed the storm/screen door at the west entrance.  They will need to order a special door for the front entrance. Perhaps we can sell the doors that we cannot use.
  2. The bottom sill on the kitchen window needs to be replaced; it is rotten.
  3. The side deck needs to be painted.
  4. We need storm windows for three upstairs windows on the west side.
  5. Siding on the Museum and Carriage House needs cleaning.  Perhaps use a power washer?
  6. The door to the screen porch needs an additional fastener.
  7. Ethan Lally will be mowing for us this summer.
  8. Rod Fifield and Deanna Smith were appointed as a committee to find someone to trim the trees – magnolias and pines.  Deanna will make some calls.
  9. Rod had been investigating the cost of a shed for lawn equipment.  A 10 x 16 could cost about $3,000.  Since the donated riding lawnmower is in the storage area of the Carriage House, the additional storage space is no longer needed.


The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes
February 27 2020

Present:  Carol Riemer, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Tom Grant, Angela Rickaby, Karen Young, Mike Riesch, Russel Brock

 President Carol Riemer called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the Agenda as published; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.  Deanna distributed her Treasurer’s reports.  Karen Young moved to accept them as published; Angela seconded; motion carried.

 Deanna moved we accept Tom Grant and Joe Quade as new members of our Board; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.

 Insurance:  Carol explained that our new policy with Maple Valley Mutual Insurance covers $250,000 for repairs to the Museum; $50,000 for contents; $1 million liability per incident; Carriage House for $100,000; and, should the Museum be a complete loss, we would receive market value.  The cost of this policy is $975 per year, which is about half of what we had been paying.  Mike Riesch suggested that we go with this policy since we need coverage effective March 1, and shop around for other options.

 Carol summarized the purchase of a computer, printer, ink and paper, and tech support for a year with Best Buy for $981.12.

 Assessioning:  Marti Matyska will be doing our assessioning from now on.  Deanna noted that in 2019 our income was $6,626.13 and our expenses were $13,193.38.  We’d decided not to have a billboard as it was not seen as an efficient use of our funds.  Deanna then moved that we not have an intern this summer; Heather Fifield seconded; motion carried. 

 Fund-raising:  Carol would like to have us contact previous participants in our Antique Tractor Show individually so they all know about it.  This year’s date is Saturday, July 11.  We also need to apply to Thrivent for grants.  We could get $250 for advertising and $250 for food, which would really help our efforts.

 Deanna noted that we have two storm doors in the Carriage House that need to be installed.  She will contact Robert Davis to see when he can hang them.

 Mike Riesch still intends to paint the west porch.  He has the paint.  (We will list Museum Maintenance as a concern on our March Meeting Agenda.)

 Russel Brock brought a book on Schaal history for the Museum.  He wants to continue receiving our GAHS meeting minutes.

At 8:05 p.m. Deanna moved to adjourn; Lu seconded; motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes

October 30, 2019

Present:  Rod Fifield, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Angela Rickaby, Karen Young, Carol Riemer, Steve Fifield

 President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. 

 Deanna Smith suggested that we have our winter meetings – January, February, March, and April – at The Cracked Cup rather than being concerned with snowplowing, parking, and heating at the Museum.  Heather will update the notice in the Community Calendar section of the Oconto County Times-Herald.

 The Museum furnace has been set at 55 degrees.  Deanna will check into having the furnace monitored so we don’t have to worry about frozen water pipes at the Museum this winter.

 After some discussion, the slate of officers unanimously elected was:  President Carol Riemer, Vice President Lynn Merline, Treasurer Deanna Smith, and Secretary Heather Fifield.

 Carol mentioned that Marti Matyska, who will be doing our assessioning, would like to be able to do this from her home.  Rod Fifield moved that Marti and Carol check into the cost/feasibility of purchasing a laptop (and possibly printer) that could have our Past Perfect program loaded onto it so Marti could use her home Wi Fi; Steve Fifield seconded; motion carried.

 Deanna will approach Tom Grant about possibly becoming a member of our Board.

 At 7:17 p.m. Carol Riemer moved to adjourn; Steve Fifield seconded; motion carried.  We will reconvene in January 2020.

  Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2019


 Present:  Rod Fifield, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Angela Rickaby, Lu Arndt, Karen Young, Leola Schneider, Russel Brock

 President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.  Karen Young moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.  Deanna Smith noted that proceeds from Jack Zarling’s book contributed $510 to our funds.  Leola Schneider moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.

 Unfinished Business

  1. Music on Museum Lawn:  Don Moser would like to another event yet this fall, perhaps a Saturday or Sunday afternoon.  Deanna will contact him about October 12 or 13.
  2. Door on the west side of the kitchen has been replaced by Robert Davis.  Deanna has the new keys.  She will talk to Robert about hanging the storm door and with Ben Davis about cleaning out our eaves and trimming branches hanging over the roof.
  3. City of Gillett Birthday Celebration will be in the park on Saturday, October 5.  Steve Frederick will give wagon rides.  We will have the Museum open starting at 10:30 a.m.  Angela Rickaby, Tom Grant, Rod and Heather Fifield, and Marti Matyska will be on hand to conduct tours.
  4. Annual Dinner and Program:  Thursday, October 24, 2019Rod mentioned closing the Museum for the season.  Several things need to be done.
    1. Location: New View Industries.  Leola Schneider moved we give them $100 for the use of their facilities; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.
    2. Jerry Luther will cater a chicken dinner for $12 per person.  Leola, Deanna, and Heather will bring pans of bars for dessert.
    3. Sophie’s poster has been printed and will be displayed around Gillett.  The letters have gone out, and Heather has submitted a blurb to be included in the Club Notes section of the October w Times-Herald.
    4. Russel Brock will have hand-outs to accompany his presentation.
    1. Rod mentioned closing the Museum for the season.  Several things need to be done.
  5. Tours:We discussed how to get more members to attend the meetings.  Perhaps having them at The Cracked Cup and including a speaker and refreshments would attract more people.
    1. Marti Maytska will be hosting a 3rd-grade class on October 30.  Heather and Carol Riemer will help that afternoon.
    2. Deanna said Tammy McQuillan would like to have her seniors tour the Museum. 
    1. We discussed how to get more members to attend the meetings.  Perhaps having them at The Cracked Cup and including a speaker and refreshments would attract more people.The Board will meet at The Cracked Cup at 6:30 p.m. on October 30 to elect officers for the coming year.
  6. Christmas in the Park is December 7.  Deanna will talk to Jim Hansen about a site.  We discussed having a railroad display along with the old GILLETT sign.  Deanna will also do a wreath at the Museum.

Deanna moved and Angela seconded that we adjourn at 7:55 p.m.; motion carried.  Our Annual Dinner will be Thursday, October 24, at 6 p.m. at the New View Industries.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2019


Present:  Rod Fifield, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Angela Rickaby, Lu Arndt, Karen Young, Carol Riemer, Leola Schneider


President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.  Deanna Smith noted that proceeds from Jack Zarling’s book contributed $330 to our funds.  Leola Schneider moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.


Unfinished Business

  1. Music on Museum Lawn by Don Moser and Renee Ryan went very well.  We’d like to do this once a month next summer.  Potential musicians are Don and Renee, Jody Crocker (who has been approached by Angela), and David Dirks (who has not yet been approached).
  2. Door on the west side of the kitchen has been replaced by Robert Davis.  We have a storm door for it in the carriage house. We’ll see how busy Robert is.
  3. City of Gillett Birthday Celebration will be in the park on Saturday, October 5.  If we could have space in the building, perhaps we could bring in the Little Red Car and the band uniform mannequin, along with some of our books.
  4. Annual Dinner and Program:  Thursday, October 24, 2019
    1. Deanna will work with Sophie to design a poster, which Rod can have printed.  We could also have fliers put in grocery bags at Pat’s Market.
    2. Rod suggested we have a couple of Jack Zarling’s books as door prizes.
    3. Since our speaker will be Russel Brock discussing his Schaal family genealogy, we’d like to reach out to members of his family to attend the event.
    4. Lu will see about getting the New View facilities again.
    5. Deanna will check with Jerry Luther on menu and pricing.

New Business

  1. Marketing & Tourism:  Rod and Deanna met with Jake Steldt on August 21.  He is interested in becoming part of GAHS but was called in to work tonight.
  2. Leola Schneider wondered about doing away with the GAHS Board and just having officers and members. Perhaps more people would attend that way.  Rod and Heather will check the bylaws.
  3. Bruce Hansen has offered the donation of a lawn tractor in the future.  Rod said, yes, we would be interested.
  4. Leola moved we invite Jack Zarling and his wife to be our guests at our annual dinner; Angela seconded; motion carried.


Deanna moved and Karen seconded that we adjourn at 8:10 p.m.; motion carried.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 26, 7 p.m. at the Museum.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary



Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

July 25, 2019

 Present:  Lynn Merline, Deanna Smith, Angela Rickaby, Lu Arndt, Amy Myrick, Steve Fifield, Leola Schneider

Guest:  Barb Merline

 Vice President Lynn Merline called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.  Steve Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.

 Unfinished Business

  1. Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show – Saturday, July 13, 2019.
    1. Leola Schneider and Steve Fifield each gave a report. 
    2. Leola thanked everyone for their help.
    3. Published a list of items needed for next year.
    4. Need better signing so people know coffee and lemonade are free.
    5. Sold a lot of water.
    6. Brats and hamburgers wonderful.
    7. Steve Fifield reported 26 tractors.
    8. Calendars ordered?  (Yes, Rod will pick them up August 7 so they are available at the Fair.)
  2. Music on Museum Lawn:  Wednesday, August 14, from 6 to 8 p.m.Kitchen door has been measured and selected.  Deanna and Robert Davis are working together on this.
    1. Don Moser will play.
    2. Need to get advertising out how.
  3. Museum Coverage:  Deanna will see that there is coverage.
  4. Steve Fifield is looking for a banner for the Fair.  Will check basement and closet.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, August 22, 7 p.m. at the Museum.

 Respectfully submitted,

Deanna Smith, Secretary pro tem

Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

June 27, 2019


Present:  Rod Fifield, Lynn Merline, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Leola Schneider

Guest:  Barb Merline


President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.  Deanna Smith moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.  Leola Schneider moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.


Unfinished Business

  1. Scholarship:  Rod read a letter from Caleb Lally thanking us for the scholarship and outlining his plans for his future.
  2. Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show – Saturday, July 13, 2019, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    1. Posters have been distributed in towns around the area.
    2. Steve Fifield will provide a tent.  We will gather at 6 p.m. on Friday, July 12, to set up for the next day.
    3. Leola Schneider will contact members to donate cakes and help at the Ice Cream Social.  Deanna will make lemonade ahead of time.
    4. Deanna will look for a listing of the food we used last year.
    5. Deanna moved that we authorize Rod Fifield to purchase a gas grill and tank to have at the Museum for future events; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.
    6. Rod will take tractor pictures for 2020 calendars, which he will have available for sale at the Fair.
    7. Heather will purchase bottled water and have a big cooler on hand to keep it cold.
    8. Mike Lambrecht will be our contact with Pat’s Market for ordering the food.
  3. Music on Museum Lawn: 
    1. Deanna reported that Don Moser will be available from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14.  No charge; we will pass a hat.  Lu Arndt moved we go ahead with this event; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.
    2. People will be asked to bring their own lawn chairs or blankets.  We will provide free lemonade and popcorn

New Business

  1. Lu Arndt brought up the GBA’s planned celebration of Gillett’s 75th birthday on September 21.  We will have the Museum open.  We will discuss more at a later meeting.
  2. We need to have the gutters cleaned out and branches trimmed off the roof on the east side of the Museum.  Deanna will contact Ben Davis to see if he can do the job or recommend someone.
  3. Rod gave us a brief synopsis of Sophie’s plans for the summer.  She has signed up for some weekend coverage.

At 7:57 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, July 25, 7 p.m. at the Museum.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes
May 23 2019

Present:  Rod Fifield, Lynn Merline, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Angela Rickaby, Lu Arndt, Carol Riemer, Amy Myrick, Steve Fifield     Guests:  Barb Merline and son


Following a scholarship presentation to Caleb Lally, President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.  Steve Fifield moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.  Heather Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.


Unfinished Business

  1. Scholarship:  When we originally established a scholarship, it was to be funded by the proceeds from our Tractor Calendar sales.  We have lost money on the calendars.  Carol Riemer moved, and Lynn Merline seconded, that on an annual basis, the Board will decide if a scholarship is to be given to a high school graduate; motion carried.
  2. Spring cleaning should be done in May.
    1.  We hired Brice Rank to do the clean-up yard work.
    2.  Caleb and Ethan Lally will mow our lawn again this year.
    3. People are still working on the inside of the Museum.
  3. Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show – Saturday, July 13, 2019.  Mike Lambrecht and Steve Fifield will head this up. 
    1. We will order 25 posters, which can be picked up at The Cracked Cup next week.
    2. Steve Fifield will talk to Steve Frederick about getting a poster up at Breakfast on the Farm.
    3. We will not serve beer at this event this year.
  4. Music on Museum Lawn: Lawn Equipment:  Steve and Rod Fifield will see that it is prepared for this season’s use.
    1. Deanna will see if David Dirks would be available on Saturday evening, June 29. 
  5. Carol Riemer will check with Robert Davis about the west door replacement.  Otherwise, Steve Fifield has phone numbers for Gary Hougas and Ed Erickson.


New Business

  1. Lu Arndt brought up the GBA’s planned celebration of Gillett’s 75th birthday on September 21.  We feel we should participate and will discuss more at a later meeting.
  2. A calendar was passed around for people to sign up for a Saturday or Sunday afternoon at the Museum.
  3. We understand that assessioning is to be done by Marti Matyska and Sophie Lally.


At 8:15 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Steve Fifield seconded; motion carried.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, June 27, 7 p.m. at the Museum.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

April 25 2019

 Meeting called to order by Vice President Lynn Merline at 7 p.m.

1. Roll call: Angela Rickaby, Karen Young, Lu Arndt, Deanna Smith, Carol Riemer, Lynn Merline, Mike Riesch. Guests Don Moser and Barb Merline
Deanna Smith approved agenda, second by Lu Arndt.
2. Minutes of last meeting emailed. Approved by Deanna, second Lu
3. Treasurer's report, approved Carol Riemer, second Karen Young
4. Scholarship: Treasurer brought a check to School District office to pay for 2017-18 year. $500.00
5. May meeting will present check to Caleb Lally.
6. Spring cleaning: Sign up sheet sent around. Carol signed up for basement, Mike R. Carriage house.
7. Mike will remove paint from basement , catalog and dispose of old paint.
8. Jon Gildmeister is willing to do garden work for $10.00 an hour.

9. Events: Don Moser will perform for free. Need to set a date. 
Looking at 6 - 8p.m on a Saturday night.

     Need to follow up with Thurmont Ridge.
10. Mike Riesch resigned as his Museum is very busy.
11.Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. Motion made by Carol R., second Angela Rickaby

Submitted by Deanna Smith


Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes

March 28, 2019

Present:  Rod Fifield, Lynn Merline, Heather Fifield, Angela Rickaby, Steve Fifield, Deanna Smith, Carol Riemer, Karen Young, Mike Riesch, Russel Brock

 President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.  Karen Young moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.  After some discussion, Mike Riesch moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Steve Fifield seconded; motion carried.


Unfinished Business

  1. Scholarship:Since we open in June, our spring cleaning should be done in May.  We will schedule this at a later date.  Heather will publish a listing of areas for people to sign up for.
    1. Josh McCarthy will still handle our scholarship at Gillett High School.  We may want someone else to work with Josh.
    2. We want to give a $500 scholarship to a Gillett High School student.  Deanna will contact Kathy Woking for details.
    3. Steve Fifield will see how we go about giving Caleb Lally his $500 scholarship at Suring High School. (Angela Rickaby moved, and Carol Riemer seconded, that Caleb Lally’s scholarship at Suring High School will be non-precedent-setting; motion carried.) Deanna says just tell her when to write out the check.  Rod and Heather will design a certificate to be presented to Caleb.
  2. Addition to Museum:  Tabled.  Now we need to focus on building our membership and getting younger people involved.
  3. Summer Intern:  Sophie Lally will be our intern again.  Perhaps she could assemble a binder of her activities for our general information.
  4. Lawn Care:  Caleb and Ethan Lally will be able to do this for us again this year.
  5. Events:
    1. Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show – Saturday, July 13, 2019.  Mike Lambrecht and Steve Fifield will head this up.  We need to get publicity posters out soon.  Heather will check to see if the KNX Party Band is available to play for us.
    2. Angela Rickaby, Deanna Smith, and Carol Riemer will work on the Music on the Museum Lawn project.  Items to consider are permits, dates, and bands.
    3. Cemetery Walk:  Heather asked Wayne Strei to think about heading this up.
    4. Annual Dinner – Thursday, October 24, 2019.  Russel Brock has researched his Schaal family heritage.  He has agreed to give a presentation of this at our Annual Dinner.


New Business

  1. Board: 

  • Carol Riemer has agreed to be a Board member again.  Thank you, Carol! 
  • Since Sophie Lally is still a minor, she has agreed to be a student member of our Board.

  1. Lawn equipment (mower and weed-whacker) should have maintenance before the start of mowing season.
  2. Tree removal – a project for Mike Riesch and Rod Fifield.
  3. Replacement of west door in kitchen, and addition of screen door.  Carol Riemer will talk with Robert Davis about this.
  4. Summer Coverage:  We have one docent who may come back this summer.  Deanna will check with her.  So we will need people to sign up for summer weekends again – from 1 to 4 p.m. on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon (except the date of the Antique Tractor Show and Ice Cream Social, when it’s all hands on deck).

 At 8:05 p.m. Steve Fifield moved to adjourn, Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 25, 7 p.m. at the Museum.

 Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2019


Present:  Rod Fifield, Lynn Merline, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Angela Rickaby, Steve Fifield


President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Angela Rickaby moved to approve the agenda; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.  Lu Arndt moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.


Unfinished Business

  1. Deanna had furnished copies of the financial report from our annual meeting.
  2. The Christmas Tea & Train Show on December 1, 2018, netted us $18.72.
  3. 2018 Calendar Sales have amounted to $640.


New Business

  1. New Board members Amy Myrick and Steve Fifield were accepted at our Annual Meeting.
  2. Scholarship:
    1. Josh McCarthy will still handle our scholarship at Gillett High School.  We may want someone else to work with Josh.
    2. Caleb Lally, who has worked on the Museum’s lawn care for two years, is a senior at Suring High School.  He would like to apply for a scholarship.  Angela Rickaby moved we give Caleb a $500 scholarship; Steve Fifield seconded; motion carried.  Steve will find out when the scholarships are handed out in Suring.
  3. Since we open in June, our spring cleaning should be done in May.  We will schedule this at a later date.Addition to Museum: At Rod’s urging, Lu Arndt moved that discussion of this be tabled; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.
    1. We discussed use of the basement for display purposes.  Perhaps skid plates on the stairs would improve safety.
  4. Summer Intern:  We hope to have Sophie Lally as our intern again.  Perhaps she could assemble a binder of her activities for our general information.
  5. Lawn Care: 
    1. We hope Caleb and Ethan Lally will be able to do this for us again this year.
    2. We will need weed and feed this year.
    3. Some of our trees are too big and old.  Angela recommended Sunderledge (920-855-6684) as someone we may wish to check out.
  6. Events:
    1. Ice Cream Social/Antique Tractor Show – Saturday, July 13, 2019.  Mike Lambrecht started this, so we hope he will continue to be a major part of the event.  Since Steve Fifield is familiar with antique tractors, he will help Mike with the Antique Tractor Show.
    2. Annual Dinner – October 24, 2019.  Perhaps we could have a display of arrowheads and guns as the program for this event.
    3. Music at the Museum: It was suggested that we have a local band play in the back yard of the Museum one Saturday evening in June, July, and August.  People could bring their own lawn chairs or blankets.  We could have light refreshments available for sale.
    4. Cemetery Walk:  Is Wayne Strei interested in heading up such an event?  Heather will contact him.


At 8:00 p.m. Angela Rickaby moved to adjourn, Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 28, 7 p.m. at the Museum.


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary


Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes

September 27, 2018


Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Mike Riesch, Angela Rickaby, Katie Lambrecht, Karen Young, Amy Myrick


Agenda:  Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the Agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.


Minutes:  Minutes of the August meeting were accepted as published.


Treasurer’s Report:  Our annual letter has resulted in several membership renewals.  Rod Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.


Old Business

  1. The Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social: 
  • 100 calendars have been received and are being sold.
  1. Maintenance:  Mike Riesch has developed a list of items that need attention.  Deanna will contact Trent Denny to see if he is available to help.
  • Repaint gray porch deck
  • Touch up painting of Museum and Carriage House
  • Finish painting  house [sic Museum] foundation
  • House [sic Museum] windows
  • Front storm door installation
  • Side porch door replacement and storm door
  • Storm windows
  • Replace sunroom door
  • New locks and key sets
  • Fall yard work      
  1. Our Annual Dinner will be October 25. 
  • Location:  New View Industries.  We can get in at 4:30  p.m. to set up.
  • Meal:  Jerry Luther will cater it.  Tickets $15 in advance or $17 at the door.  Contact Deanna at 920-598-1290.  Deanna will check with Sophie about posters.
  • Deanna, Heather, and Lorraine will bring desserts.
  • Program:  Fire Chief Kurt Hicks will give a program on Gillett’s Fire Department – past and present.   
  • Terms have expired for all Board members except Lu Arndt, Lynn Merline, Angela Rickaby, and Karen Young.  Deanna, Heather, Rod, and Mike Lambrecht will stay in the Board.  Potential new members are Amy Myrick and Steve Fifield.  We still have some vacancies. 
  1. Christmas Event – Saturday, December 1:  It was suggested that we display the hand-carved train donated by Steve Brickner.  This event still needs a lot of planning.


New Business

  1. Lawn and Gardens:  The Lally boys are available to help.  Deanna will coordinate a time with them.
  2. Angela said her neighbor recommended BioAdvanced Season Long Weed Control to get rid of the creeping crud in our lawn.
  3. Deanna said the Fire Department offered to “donate” a 1927 fire truck to the Museum.  She moved we decline their offer since we have no place to put it.  Katie Lambrecht seconded; motion carried.


At 8:40 p.m. Mike Riesch moved to adjourn; Mike Lambrecht seconded; motion carried.    Our next event will be our Annual Dinner on Thursday, October 25, 2018, 6 p.m. at New View Industries.  Please make your reservations with Deanna soon.


Submitted by:


Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem



Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

August 23, 2018


Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Mike Riesch, Angela Rickaby, Katie Lambrecht, Leola Schneider, Karen Young


Agenda:  Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the Agenda; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.


Minutes:  Minutes of the July meeting were accepted as published.


Treasurer’s Report:  Deanna showed brochures Sophie had designed (100 for $43.99).  Rod Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.


Old Business

  1. The Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social: 
  • 100 calendars have been ordered.
  1. Maintenance:  Mike Riesch will type a list of items that need attention. 
  • Better security is needed. Katie suggested that, when the doors are replaced, we get new locks and keys, and keep a list of who has keys. 
  • Rod moved that Mike R. look for two replacement doors; Deanna seconded; motion carried.
  • Deanna will schedule a time for Mike R. to meet with Robert Davis to discuss what needs to be done (storm windows, new doors, painting).
  1. Our Annual Dinner will be October 25. 
  • Location:  New View Industries.  We can get in at 4:30  p.m. to set up.
  • Meal:  We will ask Jerry Luther to cater it.  Tickets $15 in advance or $17 at the door.  Contact Deanna at 920-598-1290.  We will ask Sophie to design a flier that can be put on Facebook.
  • Program:  Fire Chief Kurt Hicks will give a program on Gillett’s Fire Department – past and present.   
  • Heather will figure out which Board members have served their terms. 
  1. Christmas Event – Saturday, December 1:  Does Marti Matyska still has information about the Laura Ingalls Wilder presenter.


New Business

  1. Deanna moved we purchase a new dehumidifier for the basement; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  Rod says it is about 1,200 square feet.
  2. Lorraine would like to see the back garden become a butterfly garden and suggested milkweed as one of the plants.  Rod suggested we revisit this in the spring.
  3. Lorraine feels we should send out publicity about our Museum at least twice a year. 
  4. It is time for the annual letter.  Deanna and Heather will put something together for Mike L.’s signature.
  5. Lorraine says we should have a committee to recruit new Board members.


At 7:45 p.m. Rod Fifield moved to adjourn; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.    Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 27, 2018, at the Museum.


Submitted by:


Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

July 26, 2018

Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Lynn Merline, Angela Rickaby, Donna Bubloz, Leola Schneider,

 Agenda:  Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the Agenda; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.

 Minutes:  Minutes of the June meeting were accepted as published.

 Treasurer’s Report:  Deanna submitted an Antique Tractor Show & Ice Cream Social financial report and a general financial report.  Rod Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Old Business

  1. The Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social: 

  • Leola’s kitchen report was published.
  •  Rod said we had 25 tractors this year.  Deanna moved we order 100 calendars; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.
  • Heather mentioned that Lynn Koenigs had to pay the third person of their group, although they played here for free.  Leola moved we send a check to cover their expenses.  After some discussion, she rescinded her motion.  Deanna moved we send a thank-you note and a check for $100; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.  Heather will see that Deanna gets their address.  
  • Deanna will also send thank-you notes to Steve Fifield for the donation of the tent and to Jackie Begolke for providing the canopy for the food area.

  1. Museum coverage for August:  Deanna and our three docents, with occasional help from volunteers, will cover the Museum on weekends.
  2. Maintenance:  Deanna Smith will work with Robert Davis on maintenance issues.
  3. Our Annual Dinner will be October 25. 

  • Deanna will check on the Ambulance Garage and the Community Room at the Library to find a location.
  • Rod suggested we ask Kurt Hicks to give a program on Gillett’s Fire Department – past and present.  (Following the meeting, Rod talked to Kurt, who was enthusiastic about doing a program for us.)
  • Heather will figure out which Board members have served their terms.  Lorraine Gentz announced that she will be retiring from all GAHS activity.  She and Mort will be moving to “the Valley” with Wendy and Kurt Redlin.  Mike Lambrecht will be stepping down as President to devote more time to his young family.

  1. Christmas Event:  Deanna will talk with Marti Matyska about this.
  2. Lorraine was concerned about who will take over assessioning.  Deanna said she will take over the portion of Lorraine’s activities.

 At 7:40 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.    Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2018, at the Museum.

 Submitted by:


Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem




Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

June 28, 2018


Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Lu Arndt, Lynn Merline, Angela Rickaby, Karen Young, Leola Schneider, Jon Gildemeister


Agenda:  Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the Agenda; Angela Rickaby seconded; motion carried.


Minutes:  Minutes of the April meeting were accepted as published.


Treasurer’s Report:  Deanna reported that all our funds are now in Peshtigo Bank.  Karen Young moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.


Old Business

  1. Spring Cleaning Update:  Deanna said it looks like we’re in pretty good shape.  We could use a hand-held shop vac for cleaning Betty’s Playroom in the turret.  The mini-blinds should be replaced next year.
  2. The Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social will be Saturday, July 14, 2018. Mike Lambrecht has arranged permits and ordered food.  Leola Schneider will handle the kitchen again. Marti renewed our raffle license, so Rod will run a 50/50 raffle.  Deanna will see about publicity on electronic billboards in the city.  Heather will order posters to be put up in the area.  We will need everyone’s help for this event.
  3. Rod suggested we delay the construction of the proposed new building until next year.  Leola so moved; Angela seconded; motion carried.  Deanna volunteered to serve as General Contractor for the project when the time comes.
  4. Our “Help Wanted” ad for docents elicited three results.  Deanna has hired Lynn Krueger, Phyllis Henkin, and Gail Janik.  All are working out well.  Lorraine moved we approve the hiring of the docents; Angela seconded; motion carried.
  5. Rod proposed we try to hire a docent or two for Museum coverage this summer.  Angela Rickaby so moved; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.  Heather will place an ad in the Times-Herald.  Deanna Smith will be the contact.
  6. We now have a “Free Admission” sign to put out front courtesy of Jeff Hertwig.
  7. Maintenance:  Lorraine Gentz moved we authorize Deanna Smith to arrange for repair work at the Museum; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.  Deanna reported that the roof has been repaired.  Mike Riesch is very busy, so Deanna will ask Robert Davis about having the storm doors, which Mike purchased some time ago, installed.


New Business

  • Lorraine requested that donations to the Museum be left on the kitchen table, along with information about the item, the name of the donor, and the donor’s contact information.
  • Some time ago, the Jaeger family made a donation for a farm display.  Deanna and Nancy Smith have been discussing this project, which really needs to get done.
  • Jon Gildemeister spoke to us about his proposed restoration of the old Times-Herald building, which was built in 1899 and, at one time, served as a Temperance Hall.  Deanna will direct him to some possible resources.


At 8:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.    Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 26, 2018, at the Museum.


Submitted by:


Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem



Gillett Area Historical Society
March 22, 2018


Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Lynn Merline, Angela Rickaby, Karen Young

 Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Rod Fifield moved to approve the Agenda; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.

 Minutes:  Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.

 Treasurer’s Report:  Heather Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.


Old Business

  1. Spring Cleaning:  We may need to schedule two days in May so we can do a good job.
  2. The Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social will be Saturday, July 14, 2018.  Mike Lambrecht will head this up.  He will start the paperwork for the City.
  3. Annual Meeting will be October 25.  We will need a program.
  4. Rod reported on the Building Committee’s progress.  Rod, after reviewing the site, recommended we go with a 30’x40’ building across the back of our lot.  A metal back, sides, and roof would cut costs.  A heat pump would also provide air conditioning. Both unisex restrooms could easily be handicapped and equipped for changing diapers.  A barn-style roof would provide more storage space on the second level.


New Business

  1. Sophie Lally will be our intern again this summer, and she will be helping out with weekend coverage.  However, she cannot be expected to give up all her weekends, and she is too young to be manning the Museum alone.  If Board members and other GAHS members cannot or will not provide the added coverage, then we need to look at hiring a docent or two.  The pay would be $10 per hour for 3 hours each weekend afternoon.  Perhaps an ad in the Times-Herald would elicit some potential candidates.


Karen Young moved to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 26, 2018, in the Museum’s kitchen.


Submitted by:


Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem



Gillett Area Historical Society

February 22, 2018


Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Lu Arndt

 Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the Agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.

 Minutes:  Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.

 Treasurer’s Report:  Rod Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed; Lorraine Gentz seconded motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Old Business

  1. Our new Board members are Lu Arndt, Lynn Merline, Angela Rickaby, and Karen Young.
  2. Spring Cleaning:  We may need to schedule two days in April or May so we can do a good job.
  3. The Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social will be Saturday, July 14, 2018.  Mike Lambrecht will head this up.
  4. Annual Meeting will be October 25.  We will need a program.


New Business

  1. Rod reported on the Building Committee’s progress in its three meetings.  Estimated cost for a 30’ x 50’ building is $55,000.  Fischer will do the concrete for $6,000.  Robert Davis will handle permits and codes.  The Committee is consulting with Mike Soper regarding plumbing. Rod presented rough plans, which include two restrooms, both unisex, one handicap.  Katie asked about changing tables.  Rod mentioned a heat pump.  They figure the maximum cost would be $85,000.  Deanna recommended we break ground after the Ice Cream Social.  Rod moved we go forward with this building project; Mike Lambrecht seconded; motion carried.
  2. Rod had mentioned that the fountain needs leveling.  This, and landscaping, could be handled along with building construction.
  3. Wall of Honor:  Currently we have only three requests.  It was suggested that we wait until fall before engraving to see if more come in.


The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, 2018, in the Museum’s kitchen.

 Submitted by:

 Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem


Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2018

Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Lu Arndt, Lynn Merline, Mike Riesch, and Robert Davis

 Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the Agenda; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.

 Minutes:  Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the minutes as published; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.

 Treasurer’s Report:  

  • Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the invoice from Lisowe’s for the new furnace; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried. 
  • GAHS received a generous donation of $10,000 from Bill Neumann this year.
  • The billboard on Hwy 32 North is faded and needs a new skin.  Deanna says we have a donor for the new skin.  The cost of the billboard will be $672 for the year.  Lorraine Gentz moved we pay for the billboard; Heather Fifield seconded; motion carried. 
  • Deanna mentioned that the bill for the insurance on the Museum will be due in March ($1,823); Rod Fifield moved the bill be paid; Lynn Merline seconded; motion carried. 
  • Rod Fifield moved we approve the Treasurer’s Report; Lu Arndt seconded; motion carried.

 Discussion on Building Options with Robert Davis:     

  • Robert Davis got some ballpark figures from Oconto County Lumber and other contractors.  A 24 x 40’ building, 8’ tall, with 6 windows, a service door, wood siding, and shingles would run $37,000 to $40,000.  960 square feet of concrete would be about $6,500.  Two restrooms would be about $8,500.
  • Mike Riesch moved that we proceed with the possible expansion plans, and that we start the procedure to do that  by looking at finances, costs, etc.; that we move forward with due vigor; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.
  • Rod Fifield will do the drawings, but he wants input from others. 
  • Building Committee:  Deanna Smith, Mike Riesch, Rod Fifield, Robert Davis, Lynn Merline, and Mike Lambrecht.
  • The Building Committee will meet in the Carriage House at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 29, and on Monday, February 5, to begin the process.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Old Business

Annual Meeting:  Deanna provided a summary of the finances for our Annual Meeting.  It was not a money-making event, but the food catered by Jerry Luther and the program by Colossal Fossil were both wonderful.  About 25 people attended the gathering.

  1. The Christmas Tea featuring the Fabric Art display was wonderful.  We had $140 in expenses and $312 in income, so we made about $172 on the event.  We also had a lot of good PR from those who visited that day.  Thanks to Marti Matyska for all the effort she put into making this event so fabulous.  The displays in the screen porch were amazing.
  2. Tractor Calendar Sales have amounted to $495 so far.  Calendars are still available.  Mike Lambrecht is selling them at his garage.

New Business

  1. We welcomed Lu Arndt and Lynn Merline to the Board.  Deanna Smith moved we accept Angela Rickaby and Karen Young as Board members; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.
  2. Spring Cleaning:  We will aim for one big cleaning day in April.
  3. Rod Fifield mentioned that the fountain is settling.  It may just need mud-jacking.
  4. Mike Riesch is developing a Maintenance Schedule for the Museum.
  5. Summer Intern:  Sophie Lally will be with us again this summer.
  6. Lawn Care:  Caleb and Ethan Lally will be our lawn mowers again this summer.
  7. Gardens:  Deanna Smith said Kathy Campshure will help us with the gardens. 
  8. Ice Cream Social /Antique Tractor Show will be Saturday, July 14, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Mike Lambrecht will head up this event.
  9. Our Annual Meeting will be October 25, 2018.  We will need a program for the event.
  10. Our Christmas Tea will probably be Saturday, December 1, depending on GBA’s schedule.
  11. Katie asked about continuing our scholarship at the High School.  The consensus was YES.
  12. Mike Lambrecht suggested we work with other community groups to get younger people involved.  Perhaps the Scouts would give us a hand; then they could use our new building for meetings.
  13. Lorraine mentioned that Wayne Strei may be interested in working on a Cemetery Walk after he’s done with his Easter Cantata.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 22, 2018, at the Museum/Carriage House.

Submitted by:

 Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem


 Gillett Area Historical Society
Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2017

Present: Mike Lambrecht, Katie Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Rod Fifield, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Donna Bubolz, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch

President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.  Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the agenda; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Rod Fifield moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Jackie Begolke and Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Unfinished Business

  1. Carriage House Expansion:  Rod has gone back to work so he has not had a lot of time to work on this.  However, he plans to have 24” x 36” sheets for display at the Annual Meeting
  2. Regional Meeting Update:  Lorraine Gentz reported that the Regional Meeting went very well.  She thanked the workers and read a thank-you note from Faye Grosek-Woods of the Little Chute Historical Society.
  3. Annual Meeting, Thursday, October 26, 6 p.m.:  Mike Lambrecht has reserved the Ambulance garage for the event.  Mike Riesch has contacted the Colossal Fossil Museum in Wausau to arrange a presentation.  Mike will get more info to Heather so she can contact newspapers and radio stations for publicity.  He will also see about fliers to be inserted in grocery bags at Pat’s Market one day and posters to be put up in Gillett and elsewhere.

 New Business

  1. Lawn Care:  Lorraine says we need a gardener.  We pay $10/hour.  Perhaps we should make mention of this at our Annual Meeting.
  2. The Christmas Tea, on Saturday, December 2, will feature a display of “Fiber Art through the Decades” on the screened porch.  Lorraine has requested help setting up tables and a Christmas tree on Tuesday, November 28.
  3. Marti Matyska and Lorraine Gentz put on a Children’s Day last winter.  They hosted two classes of third-graders at the Museum for a variety of activities.  The cost was $100.  Marti is asking permission to host such a day again this school year.  Rod Fifield moved that (a) Marti be reimbursed the $25 she paid to take a class in sign-making; (b) we put up the money required to host another program; and (c) we pay the $150 to have life-size images of the Andersons made for “The Immigrant Experience” at the Museum.  Mike Riesch and Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.
  4. Lorraine would like to have kitchen tools hung up; Mike Riesch will help.
  5. Rod Fifield, Mike Lambrecht, and Deanna Smith have the Antique Tractor Show calendars for 2018 available at $10 each or five for $45.
  6. Board of Directors:  Mike and Katie Lambrecht will finish out their two-year term as President and Secretary but cannot do it again.  Donna Bubolz and Jackie Begolke will continue to help but do not want to be on the Board any longer.  We need Board members.
  7. Mike Riesch has picked up two screen/storm doors for the front and west doors of the Museum.  He will try to get at least the west door up before winter.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem


Gillett Area Historical Society Meeting Minutes/Notes

August 24, 2017

 Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Rod Fifield, Heather Fifield, Mike Riesch, Leola Schneider, Lynn Merline, Sophie Lally, Jennifer Lally

 President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.  Rod Fifield moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  Leola Schneider moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried.  Leola Schneider moved to approve the treasurer’s report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.

 Unfinished Business

  1. Carriage House Expansion:  Rod read an e-mail from Bill Neumann supporting the expansion of the Carriage House.  Lorraine expressed reluctance to continue with the expansion if we cannot get people to help with keeping the Museum open as scheduled. Mike Riesch said this should be possible.  Rod will continue with the plans, which will not GAHS anything.  If, in the spring, the Board decides not to proceed, it will not have cost us anything.
  2. Annual Meeting, October 26:  Mike Riesch has contacted a guest speaker for the event.  Lorraine will contact Jerry Luther to cater the meal for us again.  The “annual letter” should be published in the Times-Herald, since the public is invited to attend.  Mike Riesch will work on publicity.
  3. Regional Meeting, September 8:  Lorraine said help will be needed for set-up at the Community Center at 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 7.  The Regional Meeting will be Friday, September 8, starting with coffee, juice, and muffins from 9 to 9:30 a.m.  The meeting will start at 10 a.m., followed by lunch at 12 noon.  Following discussions, people will be able to tour the GAHS Museum and Earthaven.  Reservations are needed.  Marti is helping Lorraine with arrangements, but help will be need for serving the morning of September 8.
  4. Advertising Update:  Sophie has ideas for brochures and fliers.  Lorraine said Nancy Smith will help with the printing.  Rod showed the rough draft of the Antique Tractor Calendar.  To move the calendar along, Rod moved we change the date of the Antique Tractor Show/Ice Cream Social to Saturday, July 14, 2018; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.  Rod will order 150 calendars, which will cost $6 each.  After giving one to each of the 13 winners, the rest of the calendars will be sold for $10 each. 

 New Business

  1. Annual Meeting – Board Members:  Those whose terms are up are Lorraine Gentz, Jackie Begolke, Donna Bubolz, and Mike Riesch.  Lorraine would like to serve one more term and then retire.  Mike Riesch feels it’s time for him to step off the Board; however, he will be available to help GAHS whenever needed.  Lynn Merline is a possible replacement for Mike Riesch.  We still need to find out how Jackie and Donna feel before the Annual Meeting.
  2. Rod suggested we give Sophie a stipend over the winter months to have her help out with the website, advertising, etc.  Sophie is researching items in some of the rooms with the idea of developing brochures.
  3. The lawnmower needs repair.  Mike Lambrecht will take a look at it.
  4. Winter Maintenance:  Mike Lambrecht volunteered to plow the driveway, and Mike Riesch will see that the walks are cleared.  (We can afford to hire either or both of these done, should the work be too much for our volunteers.)
  5. Christmas Tea, Saturday, December 2:  The Museum will be open from 1 to 4 p.m. with a showing of “Fiber Art.”  Lorraine and Sophie have been working on this.
  6. Lorraine is concerned about the valuables that Deanna took out of her safe at The Cracked Cup and returned to the Museum.  It was suggested that we get a safety deposit box at a bank.  Perhaps Deanna could handle this.
  7. The base of the fountain is settling.  Mud-jacking could be a remedy.  This will be considered in conjunction with our future construction project.
  8. Leola is concerned about people giving items to the Museum “on loan” just because they do not have a place to store them.  Assessioning has paperwork detailing the terms of the gift or loan. 

 At 8:10 p.m. Lorraine moved we adjourn; Leola seconded; motion carried.  Our next meeting will be Thursday, September 28, 7 p.m. at the Museum.

 Respectfully submitted:

 Heather Fifield, Secretary pro tem


Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes July 27, 2017

Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Katie Lambrecht, Leola Schneider, Deanna Smith, Lynn Merline, Donna Bubolz, Josh McCarthy, Mike Riesch

 Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 

 Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with note of a name correction. Deanna Smith moved to approve the minutes; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.

 Treasurer’s Report: Deanna gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report including a recap of the ice cream social. Josh McCarthy moved to approve the treasurers report; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.


Old Business

  1. Ice Cream Social & Antique Tractor Show RecapLibrary Group Tour was done by Heather and Rod on July 12th.
    1. Deanna emailed recap of the money collected/spent a total profit of $1,025.12 was made, but we are still waiting on the bill from the port-a-potties.
    2. We had 25 tractors, but the weather worked against us again.
    3. Leola sent notes to keep for next year. They are attached to the minutes for the July meeting.
    4. Suggestions:
      1.                                                               i.      Proposed date to change to Saturday, July 14th, 2018, or Sunday, July 15th, 2018, rather than July 7th since it is too close to the fourth of July.
      2.                                                             ii.      Advertising more community centered advertising
        1. 4th of July Parades
        2. More posters possibly some in bathrooms
        3. More banners along highways
        4. Papers in grocery bags at Pat’s Market
      3.                                                           iii.      End at 3:00 PM rather than 5:00 PM
    5. Deanna sent thank you notes after the event
  2. Foundation has been painted by Mike Riesch. It looks great! Mike will purchase a front screen door that will look good with the house and be functional and hold up in Wisconsin weather.
  3. Need weekend volunteers for the rest of the summer. Contact Katie Lambrecht or sign up on the calendar in the museum. Deanna Smith moves to compensate Lorraine Gentz for the excess time she spends at the museum when she needs  Mike Riesch seconds. Motion carries.

New Business

  1. Committee for Carriage House ExpansionDeanna Smith will work on advertising and enlist Sophie and Nancy’s help.
    1. Mike Riesch
    2. Rod Fifield
    3. Don Pederson
    4. Deanna Smith

 Update on Northern Regional Wisconsin Historical Society

    1. September 7th setup beginning at 7:00 PM
    2. September 8th is the event at the community center
      1.                                                               i.      9-9:30 orange juice, coffee and muffins provided by Cheryl Kasten
      2.                                                             ii.      9:30-10:00 Meeting – Janet’s program is about how to take care of artifacts
      3.                                                           iii.      12:00 Poor Man’s Pie, Salad, Rolls, catered by Spirits and pie from OJ’s
      4.                                                          iv.      Event ends and the museum is open along with Earth Haven
      5.                                                              v.      Could be approximately 50 guests
      6.                                                            vi.      Sign up via Lorraine Gentz
  1. Annual Meeting
    1. Food to be served at 6:00 PM
    2. Thursday, October 26th at the Gillett Area Ambulance garage. Mike will contact the ambulance staff.
    3. Looking into the “Colossal Fossil” display. Mike Riesch will pursue and get more information for the next meeting.
    4. Membership application, letter from the president recapping previous year activity will need to be sent out mid-September.
  2. Updates from Intern
    1. Genealogy Reports
    2. Pictures in Plastic Slips
    3. Sending information to Dayne and Tillie Wescott. They were very impressed and grateful for the information that Nancy Smith and Sophie Lally put together for them.
    4. Made and ordered business cards. These were passed out at the meeting and will be available in the museum.
    5. Ideas - Monologue for each room in the museum for tours
  3. Lawn Care ReportSpring & Summer Intern for next year – We want Sophie to come back again next year! If we have special events or tour requests, ask Sophie to help and we will compensate her for her time.
    1. Lawn looks good
    2. Deer have been using the museum plants as their buffet. The problem has been brought to the city by other Gillett residents.
    3. Garden needs to be tended to
    4. Need to investigate deer control products
  4. Christmas Tea will be a Fiber Art Display (quilting, crocheting, knitting). The event will be held the first Saturday in December (December 2nd) in conjunction with the Gillett Christmas in the Park.
  5. Ansonia Clock in the office needs to be fixed. Lorraine will take the clock to Green Bay to see if they can fix the clock and how much it will cost.

 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 24, 2017, at the Museum.

 Submitted by:

 Katie Lambrecht, Secretary



Gillett Area Historical Society

June 22, 2017


Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Katie Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Josh McCarthy, Leola Schneider, Mike Riesch, Jackie Begolke, Larry Buchholz


Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the agenda; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried. 


Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with note of a name correction. Leola Schneider moved to approve the minutes; Jackie Begolke seconded; motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report: Rod Fifield gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report in Deanna’s absence. Rod Fifield moved to approve the treasurers report; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.


Old Business

  1. Pass Perfect Workshop – The Pass Perfect workshop was cancelled. GAHS has been refunded the registration for three participants.
  2. Museum Tour for the Library Group – Scheduled for 4 PM Wednesday, July 12th .
  3. Foundation & Porch Painting – Mike Riesch will be painting the foundation as soon as it stops raining. Ethan and Caleb Lally are available to help. Don Pederson has also volunteered to help.
  4. Front Screen Door – Will be taken care of before the end of summer. Again, weather dependent as to how soon this will get done.
  5. Weekend Volunteers – Still in need of people to sign up. Email Katie Lambrecht if willing to sign up for a day or two.

 New Business

  1. Ice Cream Social and Antique Tractor Show:Advertising in Oconto Fun Guide – Katie will talk to Nancy and Sophie about this.
    1. Advertising
      1.                                                               i.      Banners – One was displayed at Oconto County Breakfast on the Farm. A poster will be displayed at the Marinette County Breakfast on the Farm. Banners will also be hung on the Welcome to Gillett signs.
      2.                                                             ii.      Posters – All have been hung up.
      3.                                                           iii.      Museum Website and Facebook Page – Poster has been shared on Facebook. Katie will contact Nancy Smith and Sophie Lally about adding to the website.  
      4. Quilt Raffle – ticket sales are slow for now. Rod will be going to area restaurants to advertise and drum up more ticket sales.
      5. Volunteer Sign-up was passed around.
      6. Setup – Saturday, July 8.
      7. Other Items:
        1.                                                               i.      Fencing: Will be borrowing from the Fair Board again
        2.                                                             ii.      Tables: Mike Riesch (6), Josh (3), several are at the museum for use.
        3.                                                           iii.      Tents: Rod will talk to Steve Fifield.
        4.                                                            iv.      Grills – Katie & Mike will take care of getting two grills
      8. Food Serving –
        1.                                                               i.      Food will be purchased from Pat’s Market and will be picked up the day of the event by Mike and Katie.
        2.                                                             ii.      Rachel Borneman will be helping again this year.
        3.                                                           iii.      The food will be set up on the side of the driveway closest to the pine trees again.
      9. Thrivent action team – Jackie Begolke applied and the application was accepted. Shirts to wear the day of the event are at the museum in the screened porch.
  2. Lawn Care Report – Ethan and Caleb have been doing great!
    1. Mowed lawn weekly
    2. Fountain has been cleaned
    3. Weed eater has been purchased
    4. Tile around fountain has caved in. This will be taken care of before the ice cream social.
  3. Intern Report – Sophie has been doing an excellent job! GAHS is very lucky to have her help!Pay for Intern - $1,200 for summer in three equal payments for working in the summer. Lorraine Gentz moved to approve payment schedule; Rod Fifield seconded and motion carried. 
    1. Genealogy photos are being filed
    2. Tours – Sophie has been and will be doing tours on weekends at the museum
    3. Ideas for Future:
      1.                                                               i.      Make business cards or brochures  - Rod Fifield moved to have Sophie work on business cards for brochures; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.
      2.                                                             ii.      Gift Shop – have a type of gift shop that maybe sells small old-time candy and sodas and the other items currently for sale in the museum. Have tours end here.
      3.                                                           iii.      Reenactment day at the museum. We could also look at doing the cemetery walk again this year, which has not been done for the past year or two.
  4. Possible Carriage House Expansion
    1. Rod showed plans he had drawn up.
    2. Proposed addition to the back of the carriage house including a possible three false store fronts.
    3. Another meeting will take place in early July to talk about the proposed expansion in more detail. This meeting will be in addition to the normal July meeting.
    4. Committee will be formed at the meeting additional meeting in early July after the tractor show.
    5. Leola Schneider moved to have Rod Fifield gather bids and work up more plans. Jackie Begolke seconded; Motion carried.



The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 27, 2017, at the Museum. The supplemental meeting for possible Carriage House expansion will be in July after the tractor show and ice cream social. A separate communication will be sent detailing the time and location.


Submitted by:


Katie Lambrecht, Secretary



Gillett Area Historical Society

Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2017

Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Jackie Begolke, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Josh McCarthy, Larry Buchholz, Leola Schneider, Mike Riesch, Lois Reimer, Sophie Lally, Jennifer Lally, Steve Frederick

 Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried. 

 Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with note of a name correction. Josh McCarthy moved to approve the minutes; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.

 Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Smith gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report. Rod Fifield moved to approve the treasurers report; seconded; motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Old Business

  1. Scholarship – We 11 received applicants. Victoria Loberger has been chosen as the recipient for the 2017 GAHS Scholarship. Funds were given to Gillett School and the school will distribute to the recipient.
  2. Summer Intern and Lawn Maintenance – Sophie Lally is the summer intern for 2017. She will be helping with accessioning and helping with tours.  Ethan and Caleb are fantastic with the lawn. They will be mowing and maintaining on an as needed basis.
  3. Spring Cleaning – The carriage house was cleaned out and there is now a lot more room. The initial lawn cleaning and some of the indoor cleaning was completed on April 29 along with more indoor cleaning being done in late April and early May.
  4. Pass Perfect Training – Heather, Jackie and Sophie will be attending on June 20.

New Business

  1. Ice Cream Social and Antique Tractor Show:Museum Tour for Library – Heather, Rod and Sophie will give the tour for the library group. Heather and Rod will contact the library group regarding the date.
    1. Rod visited the Pulaski and Suring tractor clubs and got good responses from both clubs. Rod also sent emails to last year’s participants.
    2. For 2017, the top 13 tractors will receive free calendars. Meal and drink tickets will still be provided to all entrants. It is too expensive to provide all entrants with a free calendar given the good turnout we had last year and expect this year.
    3. Event posters and quilt raffle tickets have been received and are available for distribution. The quilt, donated by Donna, is on display at The Cracked Cup. See Deanna for tickets to sell. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00.
    4. Deanna will look for the receipts for the food items from last year. Mike Lambrecht will contact Rachel at Pat’s Market.
    5. Road closure permit has been received. The beer sale permit is expected in May.
    6. Mike Lambrecht will contact Chris Englebretsen regarding borrowing the fair boards’ fencing like last year.
    7. Thrivent action team – Jackie Begolke will apply on behalf of GAHS.
    8. Two additional posters were ordered from Jeff Hertwig to hang under the Welcome to Gillett signs. One of them will be displayed at Oconto County’s Breakfast on the farm and then returned when the event is done.
  2. Bill Jamerson’s as Speaker – Not going to pursue at this time. The library had contacted GAHS to see if we would be interested in hosting a speaker on the same day as the library. The cost would have been $150.00. Leola Schneider made a motion not to pursue the event at this time; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.
  3. Buggy in the Carriage House – Donated by Pat Ryan. Carriage House needs to be rearranged to fit the buggy.
  4. Possible Carriage House ExpansionWeekend Coverage for Summer – the calendar was passed around for sign-up. A sign up list will be sent out by email with the minutes. Many weekends have not been filled yet. Please consider signing up for a weekend, or two, or three.
    1. Museum and carriage house are full and over flowing.
    2. Need more space and need to be able to cycle the items we have.
    3. Possible expansions:
      1.                                                               i.      Back of Carriage House: 40-50 ft x 24-30 ft.
      2.                                                             ii.      An out building for storage located in the vicinity of the gardens.
    4. The discussion will be tabled until the June meeting when a committee will be formed. Bring ideas for discussion to the June meeting.
    1. Museum Tour for Library – Heather, Rod and Sophie will give the tour for the library group. Heather and Rod will contact the library group regarding the date.
  5. Sealing and Painting the foundation – Mike Riesch will work on painting and sealing the foundation. If someone is willing to help, contact Mike.

Attic Cleaning: Discussion will be tabled until June. There are several items upstairs that need to be discussed: Christmas decorations, old police records, old newspapers (not a complete set)

    The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 22, 2017, at the Museum.

    Submitted by:
    Katie Lambrecht, Secretary


    Gillett Area Historical Society

    April 27, 2017


    Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Jackie Begolke, Donna Bubolz, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Josh McCarthy, Larry Buchholz, Steve Frederick, Leola Schneider, Lynn Merline, Lois Reimer

     Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Leola Schneider moved to approve the agenda; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried. 

     Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted with corrections that KNX Party Band has committed to be play at the Ice Cream Social and Antique Tractor Show and that Caleb and Ethan Lally will be doing lawn work rather than garden work that was reported in the last minutes. Heather Fifield moved to approve the minutes; Deanna Bubolz seconded; motion carried.

     Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Smith gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report. Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the treasurers report; Heather Fifield seconded;motioncarried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    Old Business

    1. Scholarship – We 11 received applicants. Donna Bubolz, Katie Lambrecht and Josh McCarthy are to review applicants and will select the recipient of the scholarship.
    2. Summer Intern – Holly is still uncertain of her summer schedule. She would not be available on the weekends. John Gildemeister may be interested in helping. Deanna will contact John.
    3. Regional Meeting – Friday September 8th. Volunteers will be need to help on the evening of Thursday, September 7th for setup.
    4. Spring Cleaning – List was passed around again. Group cleaning is scheduled for Saturday, April 29 beginning at 9:00 AM. Rod will be bringing a thatcher, sweeper and trailer for lawn care. Received quote from Ascher Janitorial for window cleaning. Quote for cleaning windows and screens would be $562.50. Deanna Smith moved to approve the window cleaning; Lorraine Gentz seconded. Mike Lambrecht will contact Ascher Janitorial tomorrow.
    5. Pass Perfect Training – Heather and Jackie will be attending.

    New Business

    1. Ice Cream Social and Antique Tractor Show:Christmas Tea Idea – If anyone has any ideas, let Lorraine know.
      1. KNX Party Band has committed to playing at the event.
      2. Permits have been turned in and road use permit has been approved. The other permits will be going to council in late May or early June.
      3. Mike and Rod will contact the Lena, Pulaski, Suring and Seymour tractor clubs.
      4. Food – GAHS plans to get items from Pat’s market like last year. Mike Lambrecht contacted Jordan Rank regarding ice cream. If we purchase ice cream from Rank’s Northern Dairy, he will lend us a cooler for both ice cream and soda.
      5. Donna Bubolz will be donating a quilt to raffle during the event. The raffle tickets will sold ahead of time. Rod will be looking into the getting the raffle tickets. There will be 500 tickets books printed and tickets will be at price of $1 per ticket or 6 for $5.
      6. Mike Lambrecht will contact OJs again regarding pies to raffle when the event gets closer.
      7. Advertising:
        1.                                                               i.      We will use the same poster design as last year. Rod will work on modifying the posters and getting fifty posters ordered.
        2.                                                             ii.      We will do an inventory of posters and then figure out what needs to be ordered at the next meeting.
        3.                                                           iii.      Mike Lambrecht will look into how to get permission to hang signs on the welcome to Gillett signs.
    2. Lambeau Field Volunteers – Not interested for this season.
    3. Front Screen Door – Rod Fifield and Mike Riesch will be discussing further.

     The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 25, 2017, at the Museum.

     Submitted by:

     Katie Lambrecht, Secretary



    Gillett Area Historical Society

    March 23, 2017 

    Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Jackie Begolke, Donna Bubolz, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Josh McCarthy, Larry Buchholz, Lynn Merline

     Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lorriane Gentz seconded; motion carried. 

     Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Rod Fifield moved to approve the minutes; Jackie Begolke seconded; motion carried.

     Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Smith gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report.  Rod Fifield moved to approve the treasurers report; Heather Fifield seconded; motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

    Old Business

    1. Scholarship – Jamie Parker from Gillett High School has applicants and will provide them to the board for April’s meeting. Katie Lambrecht, Josh McCarthy and Donna Buboltz to review once applicants are received.
    2. Summer Intern – Still waiting to hear from Holly. Potentially Holly and her mother, Tami, will work together this summer. Nothing has come out of the school meeting.
    3. Basement Clutter – Per Rod, most of the items need to stay. A partition will be made to hide the remaining items. Deanna will look for curtains; Lorraine will hem the curtains; Rod will install.
    4. Farm Display – Deanna spoke to Gary Yeager. He would like to see the display be generic rather than representing a specific farm. A committee will be made up to work on this display. Deanna, Nancy and Lynn have volunteered. They are looking for additional volunteers.

    New Business

    1. Spring Cleaning – A list was passed at the meeting. Saturday, April 29th has been set aside for cleaning beginning at 9 AM. Anyone able to help is welcome. Cleaning can also be done at any other time as well.
    2. Ice Cream Social/Tractor Show:
      1. Raffle permit has been received.
      2. Mike and Rod will contact the Lena, Pulaski, Suring and Seymour tractor clubs.
      3. Food – Plan is to get items from Pat’s market like last year. Mike Lambrecht will talk to Jordan Rank about ice cream prices and using his cooler.
      4. Lorraine will be working on a committee for cakes.
      5. Heather is contacting the KNX band to see if they are available and interested in playing again this year.
      6. Starting time/registration has been moved up to 10 AM as requested by several participants.
    3. Lawn & Garden Projects:Pass Perfect Workshop – Jackie and Heather will be attending a Pass Perfect workshop on June 20th. If interested, contact Heather. The registration fee will be covered by GAHS.
      1. Rod is contacting Caleb and Ethan Lally regarding helping with gardens
      2. Deanna is also working on getting help with the gardens.
      3. Pay for garden help will be $10 per hour. Josh McCarthy moved to approve; Donna Bubolz seconded.
      4. Rod will be purchasing weed and feed and will supply the bill to Deanna.

     The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, 2017, at the Cracked Cup.

     Submitted by:

    Katie Lambrecht, Secretary



    Gillett Area Historical Society
    Meeting Minutes

    February 23, 2017


    Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Steve Frederick


    Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Additional items added to the agenda were discussing the farm display in the basement and Gillett Library Easter egg hunt. Rod Fifield moved to approve the agenda; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried. 


    Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Rod Fifield moved to approve the minutes; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.


    Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Smith gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report.  A new CD was opened at Peshtigo Bank. The majority of the banking has now been moved over to Peshtigo National Bank in Gillett with Wells Fargo being the secondary bank. GAHS will maintain a balance in the Wells Fargo account so fees are not incurred. Notable expenses for the month included payment for the billboard on Hwy 32N (now paid through December 2017), post office box renewal, and insurance renewal. Heather Fifield moved to approve the treasurers report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.


    Old Business

    1. Scholarship – Jamie Parker from Gillett High School has applicants and will provide them to the board for April’s meeting.
    2. Wall of Honor – A space was purchased in February for Claire Grotelueschen LaLauzerne. There are seven spaces claimed in the new section and spaces available in section three and all of section four remains open.
    3. Car Mural in Basement – D Mendez is to paint a mural of a car coming into the basement on two large canvases. It has been discussed that the car will be the front view of a car, possibly a sedan similar to the Smith car.
    4. Summer Intern – Holly Umentum is still undecided about this summer. She is looking for something with more hours. GAHS is also looking for a garden intern possibly from the 4H club. Also discussed was help from the teen court at the school and Eagle scouts. Both groups need community service hours or projects.
    5. Lawn Care for Summer – Bruce Hansen will cut and trim lawn.
    6. Regional Meeting – September 12, 2017 from 9 AM to Noon. Lorraine Gentz is to contact Jane Seymour regarding details. Mike Riesch will be opening Earth Haven for guests to tour as well.
    7. Electrical and Utilities – Mike Riesch and Rod Fifield turned off some of the unneeded power in the museum and carriage house.

    New Business

    1. Calendar Sales: There are calendars lefts. They will be sold for $5 rather than $10. Next year plan to order only 125. This year two batches of 100 were ordered. The second batch was ordered since the first had sold out so quickly. Rod Fifield moved to approve the reduced price; Steve Frederick seconded; motion carried.
    2. Spring Cleaning – April 29, 2017 at 9 AM will be the group meeting for cleaning the museum. There will also be a sign-up sheet for cleaning to be done at other times distributed during the March meeting. Adam Asher will be washing the windows.  Rod Fifield moved to approve the expense; Steve Frederick seconded; motion carried.
    3. Project List – The project list for this year includes the following:Tractor Show and Ice Cream Social is July 9, 2017. There will be a list at the March meeting regarding tasks to be completed.
      1. Steve and Rod are to review the basement clutter and report back during the March meeting.
      2. Mike Riesch to paint the stones on the foundation. He will accept help from anyone who is willing.
    4. Insurance for Little Red Car – Mike Lambrecht is to contact Haggerty regarding an insurance quote on the car.
    5. Farm Display – Jaeger family donated funds to have a display of farm items at the museum. Deanna Smith will contact Gary Jaeger regarding his vision for the display.
    6. Gillett Easter Egg Hunt – The museum will donate $50 for the Easter egg hunt that takes place at the school. Last year there were approximately 300 participants.
    7. Meetings for March and April will be held at the Cracked Cup. Heather Fifield will contact the Times Herald to update the meeting postings.


    The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 23, 2017, at the Cracked Cup.


    Submitted by:


    Katie Lambrecht, Secretary


    Gillett Area Historical Society Meeting Minutes

    January 27, 2017

     Present:  Mike Lambrecht, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Katie Lambrecht, Heather Fifield, Rod Fifield, Josh McCarthy, Mike Riesch, Leola Schneider


    Agenda: President Mike Lambrecht called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Additional items added to the agenda were discussing the car mural in the basement, salting of sidewalk in front of the museum and getting high school students involved. Josh McCarthy moved to approve the agenda; Rod Fifield seconded; motion carried. 


    Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Rod Fifield moved to approve the minutes; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.


    Treasurer’s Report: Deanna Smith gave the highlights of her treasurer’s report.  GAHS received a generous donation of $25,000 from Bill Neuman again this year. Per discussion and review of checking accounts during the meeting, a new CD will be opened at Peshtigo National Bank and Deanna will move funds from Wells Fargo to Peshtigo National Bank as discussed. Peshtigo Bank will become the main bank for GAHS. Rod Fifield moved to approve the treasurers report and movement of funds between banks; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried


    Old Business

    1. Billboard on Highway 32N – billboard has been renewed for a year at a cost of $1,100.
    2. Raffle Permit – has been renewed until August 2017. It needs to be renewed annually. There is no notice sent when the renewal is due.
    3. Utilities – budgeted amount has decreased for this year from $150 in the past to $130 for the next year. No audit has been done.
    4. Christmas in the Park – Lorraine reported on the event. Many children came to the museum. There were activities for them and cookies. Tea was not provided this year. The event was a success.
    5. Christmas Decorations in Zipple Park -  Josh McCarthy will take down the tree in the park and return the decorations to the museum.
    6. Tractor Calendar Sales – 200 calendars were purchased for a cost of $1,190. So far, $930 of calendars have been sold.
    7. Propane heater in Carriage House – the heater is working wonderfully per Rod.
    8. Scholarship – Josh McCarthy has been working on the scholarship. Staffing has changed at the school and Josh has a new meeting with Jamie Parker at the school regarding the scholarship. The status of the scholarship for 2017 is uncertain. Many other organizations in the community are facing the same issues because of the change of staffing at the school.
    9. Wall of Honor – Engraving was done in fall. Six more slots have been sold for the spring engraving. Some of the participants have requested a picture of the wall be sent to them when it is finished.


    New Business

    1. Spring Cleaning: Discussion of spring cleaning occurring the last week of April and/or the first two weeks of May. It will be discussed more during the March meeting. Mike Lambrecht will check with Mike Ascher on a price for window cleaning. Painting of the back porch will be on the list of tasks for this year.
    2. Lawn Care – Deanna Smith is contacting Bruce Hansen regarding lawn care.
    3.  Project List – The project list for this year includes the following:Calendar to Bill Neuman – Deanna will be sending a calendar to Bill Neuman.
      1. Agriculture Farm Project – Don is making display boards for an Agriculture display to be located in the museum. Possibly the basement with the other farm tools.
      2. Steps/Porch to the rear entrance need to be painted.
      3. Mike Riesch to paint the foundation. He will accept help from anyone who is willing.
      4. Storm door on back and front entrance to be replaced. Mike Riesch and Rod Fifield will work on it and can purchase new doors if determined necessary. Leola Schneider moved to approve the expense if needed; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.
      5. Mike Riesch is planning to touch up the bathroom.
    4. Calendar to Bill Neuman – Deanna will be sending a calendar to Bill Neuman
    5. Summer Intern – GAHS would love to have Holly Umentum back this year. Lorraine is also contacting the high school to look for another helper that Holly could potentially train.
    6. Northwoods Regional Meeting – Lorraine expects to be contacted by Jane Seymour around June. The meeting will take place in the fall in the Community Center. Approximately 40 people are expected.
    7. Christmas Tea & Ice Cream Social – stay tuned for further updates. These items will be discussed at later meetings.


    The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 23, 2017, at the Community Center.


    Submitted by:


    Katie Lambrecht, Secretary



    Gillett Area Historical Society Annual Meeting Minutes

    October 27 2016

    Following a delicious chicken dinner (catered by Jerry Luther) at the Gillett Area Ambulance Garage meeting room, approximately 27 people attended our Annual Meeting.

    GAHS President Rod Fifield gave a summary of the past several years, which highlighted changes to the Museum itself, landscaping, the building of the Carriage House, replacement of the driveway and sidewalk, and erection of the Wall of Honor.  We now have two sections that are engraved and two more sections available for those who wish to pay tribute to someone.  The restoration of Nick Stromer’s Little Red Car and the hanging of the restored mirror ball in the Carriage House were also mentioned.

     As President of the GAHS, Rod Fifield proposed a change in our by-laws.  He’d like to see the term of office reduced from three years to two years.  Donna Bubolz moved to accept this change; Lois Riemer seconded; motion carried.

     Deanna Smith elaborated on her treasurer’s report, which had been handed out.  She also mentioned that Nancy Smith will, because of health issues, no longer be publishing our quarterly newsletter. 

     Election of Officers 

    The following nominations were made: 

    President: Mike Lambrecht

    Treasurer: Deanna Smith

    Vice President: Lorraine Gentz

    Secretary: Katie Lambrecht 

    The President requested that the Secretary cast a unanimous ballot for the slate of officers; ballot cast and election completed. [note: No Board Members mentions in minutes]
    The meeting closed at 7:10 p.m., at which time the program commenced.


     Robin and Joan Rolfs, owners of Audio Antique, LLC, Hortonville, gave an entertaining presentation on their collection of gramophones and Victrolas.  Joan has her BS in Business/Interior Design, and Robin has his BS and MS in Technology Education.  Their business specializes in phonographs, Nippers, dolls, and related antiques from the Victorian period to the 1940s.  They have written several articles on Nipper for local and state newspapers.  They are also the authors of several resource books:  Phonograph Dolls and Toys, Nipper Collectibles, and Nipper Collectibles Volume II.  

     Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary



    Gillett Area Historical Society Meeting Minutes

    September 22, 2016

    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Steve Frederick, Mike Lambrecht, Josh McCarthy, Marti Matyska, Lois Riemer, Leola Schneider, Larry Buchholz

    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  After a few additions to the agenda, Leola Schneider moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 

    The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Deanna Smith presented her treasurer’s report, noting that she is bonded.    Jackie Begolke moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    Unfinished Business

    Annual Meeting:  October 27, 2016. Gather at 5:45 p.m.  Buffet dinner at 6 p.m.  Lorraine has arranged for the Rolf family to display their gramophones, etc.

    Lorraine has reserved the Ambulance Garage, 225 W. Park Street, for this event.

    Tickets will be available at The Cracked Cup, or reservations can be made by calling Lorraine Gentz at 920-855-6445.  The cost is $15 per person.

    Anyone available is asked to come to the Ambulance Garage at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 27 to set up the tables, etc.

    Deanna got from Focus on Energy several tips on reducing our energy bill.  She will talk with contractors to get more information.

    Wall of Honor:  Engraving of the first two panels is completed; second two panels are erected but do not have granite yet.  We will soon have 40 more blocks available.

    Christmas Open House, Saturday, December 3, 2016, from 1 to 4 p.m.  Because Marti will be out of town that weekend, the Laura Ingalls Wilder program has been cancelled.  Lorraine will see about coordinating the Open House.  We will discuss this further at our October meeting.

    Rod will get propane for the carriage house heater, which should solve the problem.

    Wheels & Wings in Oconto on Saturday, September 17.  Mike Lambrecht took the Little Red Car.  Don and Sandy Pederson and Rod Fifield attended with him.  This was good publicity for GAHS.

    Scholarship Committee:  Josh McCarthy has scheduled a meeting with Becky Woelfel at the High School.

    Tractor Calendars:  The calendars are available.  Mike Lambrecht and Deanna have taken some to their establishments to sell.  They are $10 each or five for $45.  A GAHS brochure is to be included in each calendar. Calendars will be available at the Annual Meeting.

     New Business

    Lorraine has offered the Museum for one of her clubs to meet in October and November, since the community room at the Library is not available.  Steve Frederick moved we approve this request; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.

    Marti is having "Gillett Evolves" posters made for the front stairway.  Mike L. and Josh moved the Scandinavian trunk to the bottom of the front stairs after the meeting.

    Marti is planning an elementary school outreach program for Gillett’s third-grade students.  She is planning a coloring book and perhaps a scavenger hunt.

    Lorraine has removed leaves with white fungus from the peonies.  They are bagged and need to be burned.

    Deanna Smith moved to adjourn at 8 p.m.; Josh McCarthy seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be the Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 27, at the Ambulance Garage.  All are encouraged to attend.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary


    Gillett Area Historical Society Meeting Minutes

    August 25, 2016

    Present: Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Donna

    Bubolz, Mike Lambrecht, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Katy Lambrecht, Lois Riemer

    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. We began with a half-hour tutorial

    on accessioning by Lorraine Gentz. Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine

    Gentz seconded; motion carried.

    The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Deanna Smith presented her

    treasurer’s report. She then talked about contacting WE Energies to do an energy audit for a fee.

    Mike Riesch moved we authorize payment for an energy audit; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion


    Unfinished Business
    1. Annual Meeting: October 27, 2016. Lorraine has arranged for the Rolf family to display

    their gramophones, etc., at a cost of $50. Lorraine has reserved the Ambulance Garage

    for this event. Marti will make tickets for the Annual Meeting. Several will work with

    her on publicity. We will meet at 1 p.m. on October 27 to set up the tables, etc.

    2.Wall of Honor: Rod will contact Schneider Monument about having the engraving done.

    3.Christmas Tea, Sunday, December 4, 2016. We will have the Tea at the Museum, with

    the Laura Ingalls Wilder presentation being held in the Carriage House. Marti has plans

    to work with the schools to get more exposure for the event. Rod and Don Pederson will

    see about connecting the thermostat for the propane heater in the Carriage House.

    Deanna will see if Linda will submit a grant request to Thrivent for publicity for this

    event. Jackie talked about submitting because she is also with Thrivent.

    4.State Historical Society Grant: Marti wrote it so money from the Ice Cream Social/

    Antique Tractor Show could be counted as our matching funds. She will get help from

    Wisconsin Computers in Oconto Falls to find out what we need for the digitizing project.

    5.Mike Lambrecht will see that the Little Red Car gets to Wheels & Wings in Oconto on

    Saturday, September 17. Don Pederson and Rod Fifield attend with him.

    6.Tractor Calendars: Rod will work with Todd Daniels to finalize the design. We agreed

    to order 100. It was suggested that a GAHS brochure be included in those distributed to

    the tractor clubs. Rod and Mike L. will visit the clubs to distribute the calendars.

    New Business

    1.Lorraine requested a new screen door for the front of the Museum. Mike Riesch will see

    about this.

    2.Lorraine needs about 10 holes dug for the butterfly bushes. Mike Lambrecht will take

    care of this.

    3.Marti and Mike R. will meet on September 12 to get the pictures hung on the front


    4.Rod said he thinks three-year terms are too long. He will write up a bylaws proposal

    changing terms to two years.

    5.GAHS Board: Terms expire for Rod Fifield, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, and Marti

    Matyska. Deanna is willing to stay on as treasurer. Rod and Heather will stay on the

    Board but would prefer to give up their offices. Marti will drop from the Board, opening

    a space for Katie Lambrecht to become a Board member and take over as Secretary.

    Lorrainie Gentz moved to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.; Donna Bubolz seconded; motion carried. Our

    next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2016, at the Museum. We need to

    finalize plans for our Annual Meeting at the Christmas Tea at this meeting. All are welcome to


    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary


    Gillett Area Historical Society
    July 28, 2016

    Present: Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Donna Bubolz, Steve Frederick, Mike Lambrecht, Josh McCarthy, Mike Riesch, Katie Lambrecht, Lois Riemer, Leola Schneider, Marti Matyska

    Treasurer Deanna Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the agenda; Leola Schneider; motion carried.

    Donna Bubolz moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting published; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. Mike Riesch moved to accept the treasurer’s report as published; Mike Lambrecht seconded; motion carried.

    Old Business:                                                                            

    1. 4th of July/Car Show:
      1. Nick Stomer (grandson of Nick Stromer) saw the car for the first time and was very impressed and happy to see the car restored.
      2. During the parade, Deanna and Heather ran out of candy. Next year we will need to purchase more candy to make it through the parade.
      3. Antique Tractor Show:
        1. General Comments:

                                                                   i.      Approximately $1,112 in proceeds from the tractor show and ice cream social, which is less than last year, but we had more expenses than past years as well. Last year $1,135 was made on the ice cream social.

                                                                 ii.      $252 was made to go towards the scholarship fund from voting.

                                                                iii.      Had more people than in the past.  Advertising helped and tractors were a big pull for people to attend.

                                                               iv.      Received many compliments about the event.

                                                                 v.      Many people who lived in Gillett for a long time and have never been to the museum, toured it for the first time during the event.

    1. Mike Lambrecht’s Report:

                                                                   i.      For next time, include the complimentary voting ticket in with the welcome packet. It was too confusing for the participants to have to get them in a different location.

                                                                 ii.      The food was in a good location.

                                                                iii.      Request to use the cooler from Jordan Rank again in the future. This worked well to keep the beverages cool.

                                                               iv.      Advertise a sponsor board for local businesses as another way to pay for the costs of the event.

                                                                 v.      Think of ways to increase community involvement. Example – working with other groups/organizations.

                                                               vi.      We kept popping breakers in the Carriage House.  Perhaps an electrical upgrade is needed? Keep in mind the limited capacity during the Christmas Tea.

    1. Leola Schneider’s Report:

                                                                   i.      Sent out through email.

                                                                 ii.      For next year, do more bars instead of cakes. The frosting became really sticky in the heat.

                                                                iii.      In general, the ice cream social portion ran smoothly.

                                                               iv.      Leola received old pictures during the event. It is not known who is in the pictures. Leola left them at the museum.

    1. Steve Frederick’s Report:

                                                                   i.      Not many people took the wagons.

                                                                 ii.      Handicapped trailer was used more.

                                                                iii.      Suggested a banner for Zipple Park to advertise the parking during the event.

    1. Future Ideas:

                                                                   i.      If the event continues to grow, consider event insurance in case of rain. Event insurance will reimburse for costs that cannot be refunded (food, band, etc).

    1. Annual Meeting on October 27, 2016
      1. 1:30 PM setup at the ambulance garage.
      2. 5:45 PM Social followed by dinner at 6:00 PM.
      3. Lorraine has reserved the ambulance garage. The rental last year was $25, after part of our fee had been returned for cleaning up the ambulance garage when finished.
      4. Tickets will be $15 per person. Last year’s cost for catering was about $10 per person.
      5. Catering will be done by Jerry Luther again.
      6. Gramophones will be displayed – the display will cost $50.
      7. There are three officer positions available on the Board of Directors. Rod has stated that he will not be president again.
      8. Water issue has been taken care of by Tim Soper at no charge.
      9. Deanna is going to contact Oconto Electric Cooperative regarding an energy audit.
      10. Wall of Honor
        1. New wall is up – total of four sections.
        2. Engraving is not yet done.
        3. New form was created by Marti Matyska.
        4. Christmas Tea
          1. Laura Ingalls Wilder presentation is a go. The cost is $350 for the presentation, and the presenters are staying at Marti’s house.
          2. Talked to Kay about not being able to have the tea the same day as the events in the park.
          3. Contact Mrs. Britton at the school about sending flyers home with her students because she does a Laura Ingalls Wilder unit in class. Also contact fourth grade teacher to see if they would be able to tie in with their Wisconsin History unit.
          4. Make sure we submit for a Thrivent action team for this event as well.
          5. Grant Done by Marti
            1. We won the grant.
            2. $500 will be received with the contingency that GAHS matches $500 received.
            3. The grant is for a storage unit for digitizing pictures.
            4. Pictures will need to be copied from Nancy’s computer.
            5. May have to update GAHS computer. The storage unit is only compatible with computers with 3 USB ports.
            6. The grant was applied for two years ago as well. We did not get the grant that time.

    New Business:

    1. Wheels and Wings
      1. 8th Annual Event takes place on September 17, 2016, in Oconto.
      2. Mike Lambrecht will take Little Red Car on Friday and will be at the show on Saturday.
      3. We need a better display for the info on the Little Red Car.

                                                                   i.      Steve Frederick suggested an aluminum sign

                                                                 ii.      We don’t want the info to be blowing around like it was on the fourth.

                                                                iii.      Need display of story/pictures/statistics.

                                                               iv.      Need indoor/outdoor rug.

    1. Looking for help at the event  (Rod Fifield and Don Pederson helped on the fourth. Would they be willing again?)
    2. Old Gun Event
      1. Decided against the event based on recent events in the world.
      2. We would have to take out special insurance and it would be difficult to coordinate.
      3. Could potentially be dangerous.
      4. Scholarship – Josh is meeting with school once school starts again.
      5. Friends of Library Event
        1. Cider Days is the first Saturday in October from 9AM to 2 PM
        2. There will be a road rally for quilts.
        3. Museum will not be open during the event. In the past, no one came to the museum during the event.
        4. Calendar Preview
          1. A sample was available for the meeting.
          2. They cost $5 each. We will sell for $10 each.
          3. Proceeds go to the scholarship fund.
          4. Building Committee
            1. Mike Riesch will paint the foundation and do touch ups on the building and in the bathroom.
            2. Hopefully will be done by the end of August.
            3. Bathroom door upstairs locks from inside. Mike will check on both doors.
            4. City of Gillett Tourism and Marketing
              1. Advertising events for free.
              2. Social media push.
              3. Will be advertising -

                                                                   i.      Annual Meeting

                                                                 ii.      Christmas Tea

                                                                iii.      Tractor Show

                                                               iv.      Link to GAHS website

    1. Contact Josh for any other clubs/advertising.
    2. Lorraine will be doing a tutorial on accessioning during next meeting.

    Meeting was adjourned. Lorraine motioned; Josh seconded. Motion carried.

    Katie Lambrecht, Secretary pro tem


    Gillett Area Historical Society
    May 26, 2016

    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Heather Fifield, Steve Frederick, Josh McCarthy, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Leola Schneider

     President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Leola Schneider moved to approve the agenda; Steve Frederick seconded; motion carried. 

     Lorraine Gentz moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting published; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.  Mike Riesch moved to accept the treasurer’s report as published; Josh McCarthy seconded; motion  carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

    Unfinished Business

    1. In talking about spring cleaning, Lorraine requested that the barber chair be moved to the carriage house and the old refrigerator be moved to the basement.  The guys will check out the possibilities.  For those who have committed to cleaning an area, we ask that it be done before our opening on June 4.  (We still need an attendant for that day.)
    2. Marti Matyska is still working on her front stairway project. 
    3. Mike Riesch reported that upstairs bathroom is functional, and he found and hung the old door.
    4. The propane heater in the carriage house has been installed.  Don Pederson will check it when the weather cools.
    5. Josh McCarthy gave the parameters for our proposed scholarship in 2017.  The school’s application form will be used. When the time comes, the committee (Josh, Donna, and Katie) will review applications.
    6. Lorraine Gentz reported that Wesley Magee is doing a good job.  Lorraine has purchased six butterfly bushes for the garden.
    7. The Antique Tractor Show will be combined with this year’s Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 10.  Mike Lambrecht will chair the event.Annual Meeting:  October 27, 2016.  Lorraine has arranged for the Rolf family to display their gramophones, etc., at a cost will be $50.  Lorraine will reserve the Ambulance Garage for this event.
      1. Lorraine Gentz moved we purchase two banners from Jeff Hertwig; Steve Frederick seconded; motion carried. Steve Frederick and Marti Matyska will design and order two banners to be put on one of Steve’s wagons in the July 4th Parade.
      2. Leola Schneider moved we spend the money required to put on this event; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.  We will need to invest in insurance, food, etc.
      3. We will charge $5 for the cake, ice cream, and beverage.  Other food will be available for purchase on the grounds.  Randy Winkler will make 18 gallons of booyah.  Pat’s Market will work with us regarding burgers and brats.
      4. The Pulaski Antique Tractor Club has been invited, as will others.
      5. Leola Schneider moved we set aside our “no liquor” policy for one day to have a beer tent on the grounds; Steve Frederick seconded; motion carried.  The beverage cannot leave Museum grounds.
      6. Once this event has been approved by City Council, we will have to get busy on publicity – radio, newspapers, posters, fliers, websites, etc.
    8. Mini-Grant:  Marti has written a grant requesting funds to get GAHS documents off Nancy Smith’s computer and into the GAHS office.
    9. Wall of Honor:  Rod has contacted Schneider Monument about having another section erected and the engraving done.  (After Rod and Steve looked at the front of the Museum, it was decided to leave the fir tree and install the new section of Wall to the east of it.)
    10. Christmas Tea:   Sunday, December 4, so Marti’s speaker can do her Laura Ingalls Wilder presentation.  We feel the cost of $200 is worth getting our organization out before the public.
    11. Museum Sign:  Deanna reported that Jeff Hertwig will make an overlay changing May to June -- at no charge.

     New Business

    1. Rod would like to display our Little Red Car in the car show at Zipple Park on July 4.
    2. Rod showed a drawing of Nelson’s Plywood (circa 1942) that has been donated to GAHS.  Rod will see if daughter Erin can frame it; if not, we will contact Mitch Meunier.
    3. Mike Riesch said Earthaven will be having a sale the weekend of June 11-12.  He also brought two boxes (and has many more) of Avon Collectibles.  His idea was that we auction them at the Ice Cream Social.  It was suggested at 2:30 p.m.  Having an auctioneer would be helpful. Does anyone have any connections?


    The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 23, 2016, at the Museum.  At this meeting, we’ll have to nail down details for the Ice Cream Social & Antique Tractor Show.  Please try to attend.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Gillett Area Historical Society
    April 28, 2016

    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Donna Bubolz, Steve Frederick, Mike Lambrecht, Josh McCarthy, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Katie Lambrecht, Larry Buchholz

    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the agenda; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried. 

     The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. Deanna Smith gave some details of her treasurer’s report.  Then Donna Bubolz moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Josh McCarthy seconded; motion carried.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

    Unfinished Business

    1. A sign-up sheet was passed around for spring cleaning.  We ask that it be done before our opening in June.
    2. Marti Matyska is researching pictures for the front stairway.  She’s looking for a ladder that can be placed on the stairway for hanging the pictures. 
    3. Mike Riesch reported that Tim Soper has done the plumbing. Since Deanna told Mike that the old door was nothing special, Mike will buy a door so the bathroom is functional again.  Mike also purchased sealer for the foundation.
    4. Mike Riesch worked with Tim Soper on the new propane heater in the carriage house. Mike will have someone else make sure it is working properly.
    5. Josh McCarthy reported that we are too late for a scholarship this year.  The deadline for next year is March 15, 2017.  Josh, Donna, and Katie now have time to make some recommendations.
    6. Lorraine Gentz reported that Wesley Magee will be helping her with the gardens starting April 29.  Rod will help Lorraine with pruning a particular tree.  Lorraine has purchased six butterfly bushes for the garden.  Rod will check the function of the light on the flag.
    7. Since no one stepped forward to head the Cemetery Walk, it will be dropped for this year.  We can always start it again.
    8. After some discussion, it was decided to combine the Antique Tractor Show with this year’s Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 10.  Mike Lambrecht, Josh McCarthy, and Steve Frederick will work on the logistics of this event.  Once details are decided, Heather will help with publicity.  Steve suggested banners from Hertwig that could be displayed on his wagon in the July 4th parade.
    9. Annual Meeting:  October 27, 2016.  Marti has a lead on a speaker regarding gramophones.  We decided she should spend the $200 to get a program that will draw attendees.
    10. Mini-Grant:  Marti will put in 2 hours on this; applications are due June 3, 2016.

     New Business

    1. Wall of Honor:  The current spaces have been claimed.  We decided to have another 20-block section erected.  Rod can see about this when he schedules the engraving.  Steve will help Rod move the little tree; Lorraine will find a home for it.
    2. Christmas Tea:  Sunday, December 4, so Marti’s speaker can do her Laura Ingalls Wilder presentation.  We feel the cost of $200 is worth getting our organization out before the public.
    3. Lorraine Gentz reported that our offer to host the Northwoods Regional Meeting in September 2017 has been accepted.  We would host in the morning, providing refreshments, and suggest people visit Earthaven while they are in our area.
    4. Summer Intern:  Lorraine will contact Holly Umentum about starting June 1.  Deanna Smith moved we give Holly a $1,200 scholarship this year; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  The amount will be given out in thirds monthly.
    5. Museum Sign:  After some discussion, we decided to try to staff the Museum Saturdays and Sundays, June through August.  Deanna will contact Rick Raatz to see if he can modify the current sign to reflect this change.

     The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.   Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 26, 2016, at the Museum.

     Respectfully submitted,
    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Meeting Canceled in March 2016 Due to Weather.  Not Rescheduled.

    Gillett Area Historical Society Meeting
    February 25, 2016

    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Josh McCarthy, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Karen Young

    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 

    Deanna Smith moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting; Josh McCarthy seconded; motion carried. Deanna Smith gave some details of her treasurer’s report.  Then Lorraine Gentz moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Karen Young seconded; motion carried.

    Unfinished Business

    1. At our March meeting, we will schedule spring cleaning to be done in April
    2. Donna Bubolz told Holly Umentum that she will be our intern again this summer.  Holly is excited about it.
    3. Marti Matyska is working on pictures for the front stairway.  She’s researching the potential contents of a Norwegian trunk.
    4. Mike Riesch reported that the new bathroom floor is in and the old vanity has been removed and replaced with Josh’s help.  Next will be Tim Soper to do the plumbing.  The bathroom should be ready by the time we open in the spring.
    5. Lorraine Gentz talked about the walk-through done by her committee.  She explained the display items in the dining room and how she’d like to have them rearranged.  We agreed to give it a try.  Josh can help her on Saturday morning, March 5.
    6. Rod Fifield and Don Pederson have hung the new propane heater in the carriage house.  Mike Riesch will check with Tim Soper to see if he can do the propane hookup.
    7. Josh McCarthy discussed the scholarship proposal.  Lorraine suggested he contact Brian Bloesel at Gillett High School for direction in developing the guidelines.


    New Business

    1. Deanna said Bruce Hansen will mow lawn for us again this year.  Lorraine will check with Logan Doll to see if he might be available to help with the gardens.
    2. The KNX Party Band has offered to play at our Ice Cream Social again.
    3. If we are going to have another Cemetery Walk, the event will need a new chairman.
    4. Lorraine Gentz will check with St. John’s Lutheran Church to see if they might be interested in doing a joint event to celebrate their anniversary (Sunday, July 3).  An antique tractor show has been suggested for this or possibly a fall event. 
    5. If we’re going to have a Christmas Tea, we might want to look at other heating options for the screened porch.
    6. Our Annual Meeting will be Thursday, October 27.  Marti will check on the cost of a potential speaker.  It was suggested that she be presented as a show and that we invite the community.
    7. Our Wall of Honor will have only a couple of openings after the spring engraving is done.  Before erecting another section of Wall, we need to know if there is interest to warrant the expansion.  It was suggested that we ask Nancy Smith to put something in the next newsletter to see if there is enough interest.
    8. There is a Mini-Grant opportunity that is due June 3.  Marti will put two hours into writing a grant.
    9. Lorraine Gentz wondered if GAHS would be interested in hosting a Northwoods Regional Meeting in 2017.  It would be in August or September.  We could host in the morning, providing refreshments, and suggest people visit Earthaven while they are in our area.  Mike Riesch is okay with this idea.
    10. Deanna Smith received a call noting that our Oconto County Fair is 75 years old and wondering about 1940’s style of dress.  Deanna will get more information and forward it to Marti.
    11. Mike Lambrecht is not with us tonight because he and Katie are having a baby.  Rod moved that we give them a baby gift; Marti seconded; motion carried.  Since Deanna has baby things at The Cracked Cup, she will handle this.

     At 8:10 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, 2016, in the Community Meeting Room of the Gillett Public Library.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Gillett Area Historical Society Meeting 
    January 28, 2016


    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Donna Bubolz, Steve Frederick, Mike Lambrecht, Josh McCarthy, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Karen Young, Katie Lambrecht  

    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Lorraine Gentz moved to approve the agenda; Josh McCarthy seconded; motion carried. 

    Shirley Dittman, who is associated with Thrivent Financial, gave a brief presentation about how GAHS could receive funds for its projects from Thrivent.

     Heather read the minutes of the Annual Meeting.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting; Mike Lambrecht seconded; motion carried. Deanna Smith gave some details of her treasurer’s report.  Then Donna Bubolz moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 

     Unfinished Business

    1. Deanna’s e-mail of October 26 detailed the finances of the Annual Meeting:  Hall rental $100 - $25 returned for cleaning up; Gillett Shell for food $350; Marti Matyska for decorating and door prizes $44.27.  We had six guests for dinner and 29 paid dinners for $348, leaving us with a cost of $121.27.  Funds well spent for exposure to the community.
    2. Christmas Tea:  We had a profit of $347.90.  Priscilla Druckrey’s Barbie doll exhibit was free.  Marti sent a detailed e-mail report of the Tea on January 9, which will be included with the notes for reference in the future.
    3. Mike Lambrecht gave a detailed report on Nick Stromer’s Little Red Car.  We provided Lambrecht’s Garage with a letter for their taxes.  They had donated $3,184.85 in parts plus the hours of labor.  At Rod’s suggestion, Deanna Smith moved they receive a brick in our Wall of Honor; Donna Bubolz seconded; motion carried.  Ron and Mike will be asked how they would like the brick to read.

     New Business

    1. We welcomed our new Board members – Steve Frederick, Mike Lambrecht, and Josh McCarthy.
    2. Our officers are President – Rod Fifield, Vice President – Lorraine Gentz, Treasurer – Deanna Smith, and Secretary – Heather Fifield.  Donna Bubolz moved we keep the same officers; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.
    3. We will do spring cleaning in the month of April.  Each Board member is asked to sign up for a room and clean it at his or her convenience.  Rod will get four more sets of keys made so our new members each have one.
    4. Marti Matyska would like to create a display of maps and pictures up the front stairway.  Lynne Martin-Erickson will help with the project.  Heather Fifield moved we allow Marti $1,000 for this project; Donna Bubolz seconded; motion carried.
    5. Mike Riesch has put in many hours working on the upstairs bathroom.  Now it needs to be completed before we open in the spring.  He is working with Karen Young on the flooring and Tim Soper on the plumbing.  Donna Bubolz moved we allow Mike $1,000 to finish this project; Heather Fifield seconded; motion carried.
    6. Lorraine Gentz had a list of several items she felt should be relocated.  After some discussion, a committee comprised of Lorraine, Deanna, Rod, Steve Frederick, and Mike Lambrecht will meet to tour the space and devise a plan for the coming year.  We discussed possibly donating to another organization tables and display cabinets we no longer need.  They will also see if curtain dividers would be feasible in the attic.
    7. Marti Matyska moved we have a propane heater installed in the carriage house; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried.  Rod Fifield will work with Don Pederson to complete this project.
    8. Donna Bubolz said Holly Umentum is interested in being our intern again this summer.  Lorraine Gentz moved we hire her again this year; Steve Frederick seconded; motion carried.
    9. Rod suggested we offer a $200 scholarship to GHS seniors to get our name out in the community.   Donna Bubolz, Josh McCarthy, and Katie Lambrecht will work on the parameters for this.
    10. Deanna feels we have too much money in our checking account.  Donna Bubolz moved that she move $25,000 into a 1-year CD; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.

     At 8:40 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; many seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 25, 2016, in the Community Meeting Room of the Gillett Public Library.

     Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary


    Gillett Area Historical Society ~ Annual Meeting
    October 22, 2015

     Following a delicious chicken dinner (catered by Jerry Luther) at the Gillett Area Ambulance Garage meeting room, approximately 38 people listened to Marti Matyska expound on the one- and two-room school houses in the Gillett area.  Those contributing to the discussion received an apple from the “teacher.”

     GAHS President Rod Fifield gave a summary of the past year: 

    • Little Red Car’s body was redone thanks to Ron and Mike Lambrecht.  It also has beautiful new upholstery thanks to “Seat Doc,” John Baumgartner and Cathy Campshure.
    • Mike Riesch is making the upstairs bathroom beautiful and functional again.
    • Wall of Honor was erected in front of the Museum.  There are still some spaces available.
    • Holly Umentum was our summer intern, while Logan Doll helped Lorraine Gentz with the garden.
    • Don and Sandy Pederson restored the mirror ball from the Pavilion and hung it in the carriage house.
    • The Ice Cream Social again featured the KNX Party Band.
    • Our second Cemetery Walk was blessed with perfect weather.  People gathered at the Museum to socialize afterward.

     We will hold a “Christmas Tea with Barbie” at the Museum on Saturday, December 5, from 1 to 4 p.m., in conjunction with Gillett’s other Christmas activities.  It will feature Priscilla Druckrey’s Barbie doll collection.

     Board Members:  Terms expire for Carol Brown, Dave Pelow, and Leola Schneider.  We extend many thanks to them for their years of service to GAHS.  Our new Board members will be Steve Frederick, Mike Lambrecht, and Josh McCarthy.  We welcome them and look forward to their new ideas.

     The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

     Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary


    Gillett Area Historical Society
    September 24, 2015

    Present:   Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Carol Brown, Marti Matyska, Dave Pelow, Leola Schneider, Josh McCarthy

    Excused:  Jackie Begolke, Mike Riesch

     President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  Leola Schneider moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; Marti Matyska seconded; motion carried.  Deanna is investigating the foul-smelling water at the Museum.  Marti has sent for a raffle license for GAHS.   Dave Pelow moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried. 

    Unfinished Business

    1. Wall of Honor:  Schneider Monument submitted a bid of $3,100 for our Wall of Honor in front of the Museum.  It will be 3 ½’ high and 12’ long.  Deanna Smith moved we go with this proposal; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  Rod Fifield will call Schneider Monument tomorrow.  A letter requesting approval was sent to those who had submitted names; responses are still coming in.
    2. Mike Riesch reported via e-mail hat the bathroom will be ready to paint next week.  He will try to get the storm door on the porch installed next week also.
    3. The Little Red Car is still at The Seat Doc for upholstering.  Then it will go back to Ron Lambrecht so he can continue to work on getting it running.
    4. Cemetery Walk, September 20:  Lorraine Gentz reported that it went very well.  Sixty-three people attended.  Presenter Jim Klemp flew here from Oklahoma to make his presentation.  Nancy Smith created Cemetery Walk books, which she donated.  They sold for $5 each and are still being sold at The Cracked Cup.  Our treasurer reported we made $579 on this event.  Lorraine has announced that she is bowing out of the Cemetery Walk next year.  If we wish to continue it, someone else will have to take over.   
    5. Cider Days, Saturday, October 3, 9 a.m.- 12 noon:  Lorraine will man the Museum from 9 a.m. to 12 noon but does not want to be alone.  Heather will ask Jackie Begolke if she can help out.  Marti will come about noon to take over as long as Museum coverage is necessary.
    6. Annual Meeting, Thursday, October 22, at the Ambulance Garage.  Marti will create a program on one-room schools.  Lorraine will investigate having the meal catered.  Dave Pelow moved we sell tickets; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  Marti will create posters and submit the event to The Oconto Reporter.  Rod will publicize this to members in our annual letter, which needs to go out soon.  (Update:  Jerry Luther will cater the Annual Meeting with chicken, potatoes and gravy, relish tray, bean casserole, coleslaw, dinner rolls, and an ice cream cup for dessert.  Tickets will be $12 and are to be purchased ahead of time.  We will gather at 6 p.m. and eat at 6:30.  Those who can help with set-up should come at 1:30 p.m. for an hour or so.)
    7. New Board members:  Term ends for Carol Brown, Dave Pelow, and Leola Schneider.  We are still looking for new Board members.
    8. Christmas Tea, Saturday, December 5, 1-4 p.m.  Marti created a list of what must be done to pull off a Christmas Tea. Lorraine knows someone with a Barbie doll collection, so we will go with a doll/toy theme.  Please give toy-type decorations to Marti for the tree, which will be in the curved window.  Deanna and Angela will handle small sandwiches, which will be served buffet-style.   Others volunteered for various tasks.  Lorraine suggested tickets be $6 in advance and $7 at the door.

    New Business

    1. Wish List for annual letter:  HELP!  We need more members to continue.
    2. The schedule for manning the Museum during the summer was tabled for the time being.
    3. Rod would like to make moving the barber chair a winter project.
    4. Lorraine asked to have Logan Doll help with cleaning up the gardens for the fall.  OK.
    5. Dave Pelow has talked with a couple of military bands.  The major issue is the cost of their transportation, estimated at $500 to $600.  Rod feels he can solicit funds for sponsorship from various military organizations (VFW, American Legion, etc.).
    6. Rod will check out the light fixture in the women’s room next week.


    At 8:30 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be our Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 22, 2015, at the Ambulance Garage.  Watch for more details in the annual letter.

    espectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Gillett Area Historical Society

    August 27, 2015


    Present:   Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Carol Brown, Donna Bubolz, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Leola Schneider

    Excused:  Deanna Smith


    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   Leola Schneider moved to approve the agenda; Carol Brown and Jackie Begolke seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.   Carol Brown moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Jackie Begolke and Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 


    Unfinished Business

    1. Walk of Honor:  Rod Fifield took us outside to explain some options for this project. Marti Matyska proposed we send a letter to those who have send money for the Walk of Honor, including a deadline for replies.  We then voted to have a “Wall of Honor” in front of the Museum.  Rod will contact Lisa Schneider at Stone Creations to see where we go from here.
    2. Mike Riesch is making progress on the upstairs bathroom.  We still need to look at flooring and plumbing.  Mike also picked up a storm and screen door for the porch and a light for the bathroom.
    3. The Little Red Car is now at The Seat Doc for upholstering.  It will be on display at the Museum for the Cemetery Walk and Cider Days.  Then it will go back to Ron Lambrecht so he can continue to work on getting it running.
    4. Cemetery Walk, September 20:  Lorraine Gentz has all her workers and cookie bakers.  Somebody will be at the Museum.  Guides should be at Wanderer’s Rest Cemetery as 12:15 p.m. to get the locations of the presentations.   
    5. Holly Umentum was a very conscientious worker for us this summer. Donna will pick up Holly’s final check from Deanna tomorrow.


    New Business

    1. Cider Days, Saturday, October 3, 9 a.m.- 12 noon:  Kay Rankel would like GAHS to work with the Library on this event.  Steve Frederick has agreed to transport people between the Library and the Museum.  Lorraine will work but needs help.  Donna Bubolz has donated a throw-size quilt for us to raffle off at $1 per ticket or 6 for $5.  We will have the quilt on display at The Cracked Cup, the Cemetery Walk, and Cider Days.  The winning raffle ticket will be drawn at the GAHS Annual Meeting on October 22.  Rod will talk to Kay to see if GAHS can use the Library’s raffle license number.  Then Marti will make up posters and raffle tickets. (Update:  We cannot use the Library’s raffle license number.  Silent auction?)
    2. Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 22.  Rod will ask Kay if the Library meeting room is available or if we need to look for another location. It may be a potluck meal.  Rod will contact Steve Conto about a possible presentation on Viet Nam veterans. (Update:  Library meeting rooms will not be available to anyone in October.  We need to brainstorm for a new location.  If you have any ideas, please check them out for us.  We do not want to book a program until we have a location for our Annual Meeting.  Should we minimize the meeting and hold it at the Museum?)
    3. New Board members:  Term ends for Carol Brown, Dave Pelow, and Leola Schneider.  We’d like to get some new Board members, so all are asked to recruit.
    4. Christmas Event, Saturday, December 5.   Lorraine knows someone with a doll collection that may be available for display.
    5. Frank Meunier has asked when we’ll be hanging his sign.  (Rod and Don Pederson talked about it August 28, and plan to hang the sign next week.)
    6. Lorraine would like the barber chair moved out to the carriage house.
    7. The light bulb in the ladies’ room is burned out.
    8. We need to order mulch for next spring.
    9. Lorraine asked Mike to top a tree.
    10. We need a PR person/team for the Christmas Tea. Marti Matyska will make a list of what needs to be done.  Then we’ll see if we can handle it.


    At 7:35 p.m. Donna Bubolz moved to adjourn; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 24, 2015, at the Museum.


    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Gillett Area Historical Society

    July 23, 2015 

    Present:   Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Donna Bubolz, Mike Riesch, Leola Schneider

    Excused:  Rod Fifield, Dave Pelow

    Vice President Lorraine Gentz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.   Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.  Deanna Smith said of the $691 deposit, $336 was from the Ice Cream Social, $230 was donations, and $125 was memorials.  The treasurer’s bond has been paid.  Two CDs will be maturing soon.  Leola Schneider moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Mike Riesch seconded; motion carried.  

    Unfinished Business

    1. Walk of Honor:  We have $2,400 paid toward this.  Lorraine suggested that sometime before our next meeting we go to Seymour to view the actual items pictures in the photos Sandy Pederson sent.
    2. Mike Riesch will start dry-walling upstairs bathroom this week.  Paint colors and flooring will need to be selected soon.
    3. Ice Cream Social:  Leola Schneider’s report was discussed.  Heather sent thank-you notes to Steve Fifield, Rick and Karen Herzog, and the KNX Party Band for their donations.
    4. The Little Red Car is now at The Seat Doc for upholstering.
    5. Cemetery Walk, September 20:  Nancy Smith is sending letters to the presenters.

    New Business

    1. A calendar was passed around for people to sign up to cover a Saturday or Sunday afternoon in August.   August 1 – Leola; August 2 – Rod & Heather; August 8 – OPEN; August 9 – OPEN; August 15 – Lorraine; August 16 – Deanna; August 22 – Closed/Fair; August 23 – Closed/Fair; August 29 – Donna; August 30 – Lorraine.
    2. Mike Riesch will see about getting a screen door with storm panels for the screened porch.  He will also get items needed for the bathroom.  Deanna will see that he gets our tax-exempt number.
    3. Holly Umentum has been doing a fantastic job with Past Perfect.  Heather and Jackie will get with her the second week of August for some training.  Holly has received one payment already and has submitted hours for the second.
    4. Lorraine would like have some pictures hung; Rod should be able to do this.
    5. Lorraine would like to remove some documents from their frames, have them laminated by CESA, and get them filed in our office.  We do not have space to hang everything.

     At 7:35 p.m. Donna Bubolz moved to adjourn; Deanna Smith seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at the Museum.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Gillett Area Historical Society

    June 25, 2015

    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Jackie Begolke, Carol Brown, Donna Bubolz, Leola Schneider, Nancy Linzmeyer, Karen Young

    Excused:  Marti Matyska, Dave Pelow, Mike Riesch  

    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

    At 7:15 p.m. we began our regular meeting.  Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Leola Schneider seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published. However, Lorraine mentioned that we still do not know if Gary Kopitzke will be available to portray Rev. E.C. Kumpf.  Donna Bubolz moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 


    Unfinished Business

    1. Walk of Honor:  Nancy Linzmeyer explained what had happened with Tadd Krueger’s equipment that he will not be able to engrave as planned.  Nancy made several calls to try to locate someone to do the work.  Eventually she, and then Rod Fifield, ended up at Stone Creations in Shawano.  It was suggested that we have the names sand-blasted on granite which would be mounted to a wall.  Nancy wondered about having the wall outside.  It was decided that we should send a letter to the donors explaining our dilemma and asking if they still want to be a part of it or if they’d like their money refunded.  Rod will check with Stone Creations to see if something can be done outside.  Then he will inform the Board members by e-mail.
    2. Mike Riesch and Rod have been working on the upstairs bathroom.  The area will be roped off until the area is safe.  That means there will be no access to the turret for a while.
    3. Ice Cream Social, Sunday, July 12.  The KNX Party Band is booked.  Steve Fifield will donate the use of a tent, which will be set up Sunday morning.  We used Leola’s notes from last year’s Ice Cream Social to assign tasks for this year.  Rod will again do a 50/50 raffle.  Leola will contact those not at the meeting to see if they can help.
    4. The Little Red Car is not running, so it will be on a float in this year’s July 4th Parade.  Donna Bubolz will contact Jeff Hertwig about banners.


    New Business

    1. A calendar was passed around for people to sign up to cover a Saturday or Sunday afternoon in July.  July 4 – Rod & Heather; July 5 – Donna; July 11 – Leola; July 12 – Ice Cream Social; July 18 – Lorraine; July 19 – Deanna; July 25 – Lorraine; July 26 – OPEN. 
    2. Christmas Open House, December 5, 2015:  Leola moved that Rod conact Bernie Young about his display of carvings to see if they could be displayed at the Museum; Jackie Begolke seconded; motion carried.
    3. We discussed items offered to GAHS.  We do not have room for everything.  People should contact the Accessioning Committee (Lorraine Gentz) before bringing potential donations to the Museum.
    4. Both summer intern Holly Umentum and garden helper Logan Doll are working out very well.

    5. Rod will contact Frank Meunier regarding possible disposition of the Coast to Coast sign we have in the carriage house.
    6. Rod presented an investment option offered by Jerry Gillespie.  It would be for a 10-year term.  Those present were asked to investigate other options.


    At 8:25 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Leole Schneider seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, 2015, at the Museum.


    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary

    Gillett Area Historical Society

    May 28, 2015


    Present:  Rod Fifield, Lorraine Gentz, Deanna Smith, Heather Fifield, Marti Matyska, Mike Riesch, Leola Schneider  


    President Rod Fifield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to approve the agenda; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried.  The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as published.  Leola Schneider moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. 


    Unfinished Business

    1. Mike Riesch will get to work on the bathroom now that school is out.  He will remove tile and flooring and frame in where the shower was.  Rod will help Mike as time permits.
    2. Cemetery Walk:  Sunday, September 20, 2015.  Those being portrayed will be Cal John (Ron Hinz); Dr. Baldwin (Jim Hansen), F.W. John (Wayne Strei), John Klemp (family member), and Rev. E.C. Kumpf (Gary Kopitzke).
    3. Walk of Honor:  Nancy Linzmeyer will work with Tadd Krueger.  They’re aware that we’d like to have it done by July 4.
    4. Rod is working with Ron Lambrecht on the little red car.  Ron hopes to get it running this week.
    5. Ice Cream Social, Sunday, July 12.  Rod will see about booking the KNX Party Band.  The cost will again be $5 per person for refreshments.  Info for publicity is to be to Lorraine by June 12.  She will contact newspapers.  Marti will print posters, which several of us will distribute around Gillett.
    6. Women’s Room:  Marti and Jackie cleaned it.  Marti painted the inside of the closets and created hat stands.  Marti said Jackie was a great help.  Acid-free supplies were purchased to store clothes so they can be rotated for display.
    7. Marti is working on a pictorial display for the front staircase.  Rod will see if Robert Davis has a ladder that can be adjusted to use on stairs so Marti can hang pictures and/or maps of Gillett up the front stairway.
    8. Lorraine reported that Logan Doll, a GHS junior who will be attending UWGB for horticulture, has been helping her with the gardens.  He is a very nice and knowledgeable young man.
    9. The mirror ball is in the carriage house with new mirrors attached, thanks to Don and Sandy Pederson.  Don has devised support for it to be hung.  The Wood Workery will donate the use of equipment to help hang the ball.  Thank you, Don and Sandy, for all your hard work.


    New Business

    1. A calendar was passed around for people to sign up to cover a Saturday or Sunday afternoon in June.  June 6 – Lorraine; June 7 – Deanna; June 13 – Leola; June 14 – OPEN; June 20 – Marti; June 21 – OPEN; June 27 – Rod & Heather; June 28 – OPEN.  We discussed changing our sign to reflect our actual hours of operation.  We also wondered if, considering our shortage of manpower, we should be open only one day each weekend.  No decisions were made.
    2. Summer Intern:  Marti created a job description for Holly Umentum’s position.  Lorraine Gentz will be her supervisor.  Holly’s priorities will be (1) Past Perfect accessioning; (2) tours for small groups; (3) light housekeeping (dusting, sweeping, straightening) as time permits.  Rod will contact Holly.
    3. Leola Schneider said the Oconto County Youth Fair is celebrating a landmark this year.  She will talk with Doug McMahon about the possibility of lending some of our artifacts for an historic Fair display.
    4. Lois Riemer had left a phone message that the Frank Melchior family has a duffle bag they’d like to donate.  We already have two; so, before we accept the donation, we need to know more about the bag.
    5. Museum Cleaning:  Leola finds she is unable to clean the kitchen.  Rod and Heather will tackle it the second week in June.
    6. Rod Fifield will again contact Gillett Cement Products for their promised donation of top soil, which Rod and Mike will use to fill in low spots in the lawn.
    7. We decided not to participate in the EAA Warbirds Fly-In in Oconto on September 19.
    8. Nancy Smith brought up the “V for Victory” sign that had been near Gillett City Hall.  Leola will see what she can find out about it.


    At 8 p.m. Deanna Smith moved to adjourn; Lorraine Gentz seconded; motion carried. Our next meeting will be 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2015, at the Museum.


    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Fifield, Secretary